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Showing most liked content on 07/14/2016 in all areas

  1. I completed another major terrain mesh overhaul, this time the castle and walls. This is very time consuming work, so I don't have a lot to show besides a glimpse of what to expect when it is finally done; -snip- This is currently what the entire inward facing wall looks like. Still a bunch of stuff missing, such as foliage and some more things (like a scaffolding bridge to cross the wall gap). But this is the visual direction you can expect.
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  2. Yeah that can be real tricky. Yeap, fortunately the wall is a man-made object and not, let's say, a cliff or anything else that is part of the core terrain and intended to look smooth in terms of material transition. In this particular case I've created several (still working on the exact final number) "copies" of the wall texture, but with alterations. Using the same UVW coordinates I can seamlessly mix these textures across the wall to create variation, as well as additional geometry tweaks to make sure it all looks different. That's just the outward facing wall for now. The inward facing side of the wall will be more traditional in terms of material detail, since making several textures for each section of the level would take too long. The good news is, I suppose Siege is nearly an "urban/industrial" map in some ways, due to the amount of man-made terrain as cover. And that was a very popular request for APB maps.
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  3. Granted. Due to everyone being too busy playing Total War, actual wars become a distant memory and people keep on praying without noticing anything. I wish Overwatch loot boxes would give me skins for heroes I actually play.
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