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Showing most liked content on 10/08/2018 in all areas

  1. After 3 and a half years of silence the CNCNZ Community Roundtable is back, featuring W3D Hub's very own @OWA amongst some other big names in the Command and Conquer community! https://cncnz.com/features/roundtable-discussion/october-2018-37/ Head over to CNCNZ for our opinions on C&C Rivals and the current state of the community, as well as some info about what we're playing and looking forward to in the RTS genre! [blurb]After 3 and a half years of silence the CNCNZ Community Roundtable is back, featuring W3D Hub's very own @OWA amongst some other big names in the Command and Conquer community![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_cncnz.png[/thumb]
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