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  1. Welcome to the 17th edition of W3D Weekly! We've got a nice chunk of content this week, so let's take a look! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Since our successful release, we've been hard at work on getting a patch out for 3.6. Here are a few things included in the plans: Improvements to hitmarker behavior. Reduction in exploiting the new repair zones. Expanding the naval repair zone sizes. A bit of a nerf to BTR armor with regard to rockets and tank shells. M.A.D. Tanks no longer taking damage from other M.A.D. Tanks. Yak handling edits. MiGs being able to [barely] take down Longbows with an entire payload (4 missiles). Mammoth Tank missile velocity increase. Adding the BTR as a purchasable unit to Volcano. Bug fixes on levels. That's what we have for today! Cold War ConfrontationHere's some stuff, specifically the HUD and the M16 with ACOG scope. First up: There's the HUD. Bottom left has the minimap, time, credits, compass and mine count. Bottom right has the weapon list (4 slots for 4 weapons...), the weapon stats (name, magazine and inventory ammo, firemode), the grenade count, and finally the health bar. Notice anything different? That's right: there's no crosshair. In CWC, infantry don't have a crosshair, and have to aim using the ironsights on all weapons, like so: You'll want to ADS when shooting anyway, as the weapons have a lot of kick when not properly aimed. Next up is the M16A3 with ACOG. Basically, it's an M16... but with an ACOG. Nothing much more. It replaces the L85A2 that was formerly used by the combat medic. I felt something that fit the US "side" would be better than that. Besides, the L85's time will come (One last note, all the M16s now have a Burst/Semi set of firemodes. Makes them feel more different to the AK.) That's all for this week! Tiberian Dawn: Ground Zero While we don't have as much to show off at this stage, it is worth mentioning that Ground Zero will also be taking advantage of crosshair-less infantry. This, combined with the lack of target boxes, means you'll want to get your eagle eye in if you want to shoot enemies properly. Of course, most weapons will have some sort of optic or iron-sights to help with this as well. Renegade: Crazy Coop@ Jerad2142 is working on a Halloween map currently, he has hopes of getting it done before the 31st but is also very busy with real life at the moment. Apocalypse Rising Our friendly neighbourhood 3d modeller @ Romanov has made a long-standing problem weapon for AR, the portable Flak Cannon! Flak Troopers will carry these heavy weapons into battle to primarily fight Aircraft and Infantry, but they are also effective against light vehicles too. That's it for this week!Come back next time for some more explosive W3D content! [blurb]The 17th edition of W3D Weekly is now out! We've got a nice chunk of content this week, so let's take a look![/blurb]
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