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Showing most liked content on 12/31/2021 in all areas

  1. Welcome to the 25th edition of W3D Weekly, and the final one of 2021! A Year in Review: 2021This year has been a really good one for us, so we want to take this opportunity to celebrate all of the amazing things that we've managed to accomplish this year. @ Killing_You recently reminded us of all of the things we've managed to achieve this year, so here's a big list! Red Alert: A Path Beyond got a major release with 3.6, introducing the BTR, free repairs, and several other bells and whistles that make this the best version of APB yet. Also, plenty of full-server game nights! Interim Apex continues to be a tour de force within the W3D Community. With an update that came out this year, the server has been active most nights and the memes have been flowing like salty butter. We can't wait to see what's next on the IA menu for @ Kaskins and @ dblaney1 ! Tiberian Sun: Reborn got reintroduced to the public with a shiny bit of polish in 1.6! Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising keeps marching on, and managed to get a build out to streamers for the Red Revolution event. The reception was promising, as everyone seemed to have a great time. This is a far cry from way back when we showcased a trailer on Facebook showing the old FortBradley map, and got a less than stellar reaction. I feels like 2022 will be AR's year! BfD is INSANELY close to release. Large strides have been made in development, and the game keeps getting better thanks to the team's dedication to pushing boundaries and creating something that challenges the idea of what a game on the W3D engine is! ECW got a 4.x client out the door, something that was previously thought impossible! Also there have been many updates to various maps under the Jerad's Crazy Co-Op umbrella! GZ has recently gotten a massive surge in development. It's starting to resemble its own game more and more! Keep your eyes peeled for more news in the new year (and also in this update!) CWC got announced, and it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! The more and more we see of @ CMDBob 's project, the more and more it looks like it's going to be an absolute blast to play! It's also worth mentioning that we started W3D Weekly, which has been a great way to keep everyone in the loop on our progress! Of course, if you have any ideas on how we can improve these content drops, let us know! Previous years have had ups for some projects and downs for others, but from where we're standing, every single project has been up this year. When we set out to create W3D Hub all those years ago, we had a vision of a community where people follow their passion, share their skills and unify under one banner so that each and every project sees nothing but benefits. This year, that vision has been 100% realized. The comradery we have over tinkering with this old game engine to make these games has never been stronger and we hope to keep serving and growing this community to be bigger and better in the years to come! Thankyou everyone for supporting us on our journey so far and we hope that you stick with us! Obviously we do this out of a love for C&C games, but having the love and support from all of you makes our toil all worth the effort at the end of the day. Cheers! Now for the game updates! Tiberian Dawn: Ground ZeroAnother one of @ Synaesthesia 's buildings has made it in-game! @ CMDBob has worked his magic once again, getting the Airstrip ready to go. Not only that, but he replace the old interior with a shiny new one, complete with lightmaps and a staircase replacing the old elevator! Jerad's Crazy Co-Op (Bear Island)@ Jerad2142 has been working on updating bear island. Now, the top 13 players will have special deer models (Adding @ Romanov 's Pilgrim and October deer). He is also thinking of adding some wild turkeys to the map for additional hunting. The server has also seen fixes to the math the wild animal AI uses which will make it flee players correctly instead of charging at the player in seemingly random cases. Check out the deer below! Battle for DuneBattle for Dune: War of Assassins has recently achieved a place in the top 100 for indieDB! But it doesn't stop there, reaching a spot in the top 100 out of 1500+ titles is only the beginning, we've now got to try and win a spot in the top 10. Battle for Dune has come a long way over the years, and in the last two years we not only completely redesigned our game to be a Tactical, modernised First Person Shooter. We've also made the most progress in these two years, than we have across the entire project's lifetime! Unfortunately we were a bit too late putting out this update and the voting is already over... Thank you to every who has voted and who helped get us here to this stage again, and thank you for everyone who voted to try and get us into the top 10, we appreciate all the support you've give us. Stay tuned for future updates! Red Alert: A Path Beyond We are hard at work on the next patch for A Path Beyond. This week we want to highlight one of the map edits that we are making. For a while, we've figured ToTheCore could use some love. In a recent update, we made some edits to the Soviet side of the base that brought the coastline right up to their walls. By and large this seems to have been a well-received change. This time, the Allied side is getting the attention. Merry Christmas, Allies! Starting off, the base buildings have been rearranged. Notice that the Gap Generator is now much more centered in the base. Also NOTE: the defenses are still in the same place, but they don't appear in the "after" screenshot because the Gap Generator's new placement makes the Service Depot Pillbox and other defenses inside its radius disappear for the spectator view. <- Before ||| After -> Next, the ramps leading onto the small ridge east of the base have been adjusted so it's easier to traverse. <- Before ||| After -> Lastly, we would like to highlight this new infantry ramp onto the small ridge showcased above. This route will help guys stuck in the ore field to get back into the action more quickly rather than needing to run all the way around. <- Before ||| After -> Bonus: Take a look at the trees on the background ridge in those last screenshots. See how far they won't be tilting anymore. Sometimes it's the small things in life. Till next time! That's it for this year!Normally we would ask you to see us next week for more info on your favorite projects. However, this month is full of fun holidays, so we'll be taking a break from this until next year. On behalf of all of us here at W3DHub, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Check back for more next year, as we have a whole host of exciting stuff incoming! [blurb]Welcome to our final update for the year! All ready and just in time for Christmas![/blurb]
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