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  1. We've just released Tiberian Sun: Reborn version! Our focus on this release was to fix bugs and improve the overall balance of the game. The notes below should cover all of the changes we've made in the past couple of weeks. We'd also just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has picked up the game and joined battles on the server. It's really nice to see that Reborn still has the power to inspire and excite people even after all of these years, so thankyou for putting big smiles on our faces. General New objective marker system for detecting units with the Mobile Sensor Array. This fixes a bug with the HUD related to being in range of an enemy MSA Players no longer have their inputs stuck when their deployed vehicle is destroyed while transitioning Adjusted key mappings to assign default hotkeys to the extended options hotkeys list for clean installations. This may result in some keybind popup spam on the first game join, but has been shown in testing to work Color-coded the HUD health bar to green, yellow, and red Fixed server instabilities Score System Building score system has been overhauled such that damage/repairs are based on a percentage of the building’s maximum HP: 37.5% for damage, 25% for repair, 25% for bounty, 10% for defense bounty This varies for small structures Large critical structures give 250 points to the team, non-critical large structures give 300 points to the team, and an additional amount awarded to the team multiplies 250 by the player count Radar Compass Ghost Stalker/Cyborg Commando blips have been changed (set to exclamation marks) Mammoth Mk II blip has been changed (set to target) Blips get smaller if they are above/below you Maps Fixed a good number of stuck spots, terrain holes, floating objects, misaligned objects, visible objects that should be invisible, and other small, general map issues Reinforcement harvesters have generally had pathfinding improvements across the board, including fixes in a lot of cases where they were dropped by the Carryall and drove nowhere Adjusted the transparency of water on several maps to make it more consistent Adjusted the drown zone height on several maps to make it more consistent where you start drowning (and you can’t walk as deeply into the water), also added drown zone on any maps where it was missing TS_Anchorage Added basic underwater terrain Moved a GDI aircraft spawner away from the Refinery to a spot between the Construction Yard and War Factory TS_Cliffs Fixed improperly placed no-dig zone in the GDI base, and extended its coverage to the Nod base Adjusted lighting TS_Dam Adjusted a bit of the vehicle-blocking clutter in the bases Fixed a bug allowing AAPC and MLRS to drive into the deep water Made slight adjustments to the ramps leading to the upper infantry routes Adjusted the out-of-bounds zone so it doesn't affect infantry up top where it shouldn't TS_Drought Bases got internally flipped with Power Plants on the inside loop Cut a path through the Tiberium Field Silos changed to blue TS_Field Added no-dig zone to the Nod base Filled in a no-dig zone gap at the back of the GDI base TS_GrandCanyon Added two Sam Sites to Nod interior walls Cleaned up map issues TS_Isles Fixed missing ability for MLRS and AAPC to drive on top of the water Mobile Repair Vehicles no longer spawn stuck in the Nod War Factory Expanded the no-dig zone behind the GDI base Adjusted Laser Turret displacement (removed coastal turret) Adjusted Sam Site displacement (rear War Factory Sam is now on the roof) Added civilian buildings Added GDI corner walls where applicable Minor adjustments to aircraft landing points TS_OmegaCity Fixed erroneous out-of-bounds warning in the Hand of Nod basement Fixed Nod outpost repair section, including removing the stuck MRV Removed one rear Nod SAM site and adjusted the others Adjusted water zone so players can’t travel so deep without taking damage Silos changed to blue TS_Snow Added a Tiberium Silo for each team TS_TaintedLegacy Added an underwater zone to the lake TS_Tiber Removed phantom GDI/Nod Construction Yards Balance Changes We've made a ton of changes to the game based on your feedback in the Discord Feedback Hub. Please keep the feedback coming, as it's really valuable for us to know how you're all perceiving the game. Thanks to everyone who has spent time to give feedback so far! The main aim of the changes in this release were to re-centre the balance of vehicles, as the general consensus was that they were a bit weak. Upon investigation we discovered that our benchmark engagement (a Titan vs a Tick tank) was around 13 seconds, which was way to short for what the game really required. With that in mind, we've done some work to strengthen vehicles vs anti-tank weapons to draw those engagements out a bit more. Below is a full list of balance changes. If you have any feedback on the way these numbers are presented, please let us know! Global Armour Types & Warhead Changes Every building, infantry and vehicle in TSR has an armour type. Every projectile and explosion has a warhead type. When calculating damage, a projectile’s warhead will have a multiplier that corresponds to an armour type in order to determine how much damage is dealt. For example, my Titan’s cannon does 90 damage and has the Warhead “Tank Shell”. I am shooting an undeployed Tick Tank which has the armour type “Armoured Vehicle”. “Tank Shell” has a 0.65 damage multiplier when shooting at “Armoured Vehicle”, so the total damage dealt to the Tick Tank per shot is 58.5. The changes below have been made to the Armour & Warhead table to enact larger changes throughout the entire game. Jumpjet Infantry Reduced incoming damage from Rocket, Tank Shell, Plasma and Railgun Weapons Mutants Reduced incoming damage from Railgun Weapons Cyborgs Reduced incoming damage from Rocket and Plasma Weapons Enforcer Reduced incoming damage from Rocket Weapons Light Vehicle Light Vehicles have been made a bit tougher to increase their survivability Reduced incoming damage from Bullets, AP Bullets, Rockets, Grenades, Tanks Shells, Artillery Shells and Sonic weapons Armoured Vehicle Armoured Vehicles have been made a bit tougher to increase their survivability Reduced incoming damage from Bullets, AP Bullets, Rockets, Grenades, Tanks Shells, Artillery Shells and Sonic weapons Deployed Vehicle Reduced incoming damage from Tank Shell Weapons Aircraft Aircraft have been made a bit tougher to match the buffs that other vehicle types have received. Reduced incoming damage from Bullets, AP Bullets, Missiles, Rockets, Grenades, Tanks Shells, Artillery Shells, Plasma, Railgun and Sonic weapons Cyborg Reaper Reduced incoming damage from Grenades, Tanks Shells, Artillery Shells, Sonic and Melee weapons Buildings Reduced incoming damage from Rocket, Tank Shell and Sonic weapons Base Defences Reduced incoming damage from Rocket and Tank Shell weapons Base Walls Increased incoming damage from Grenade and Grinder weapons Buildings Building doors now open and close properly after the building is destroyed (same behavior as when the building remains alive) Repair rates increased for the Service Depots and Helipads Air units can now be sold at Helipads Construction Yard (both teams) Fixed a flame emitter that floated perpetually in the air when the building was destroyed GDI Helipad Minor fixes and improvements to the mesh, including enabling the pad lights Nod Tiberium Silo Points/credits are now earned from damaging and repairing this building Defenses Now detect stealth up to half their weapon range Nod Laser Turret Reduced weapon spread: 0.3 -> 0.15 Infantry All infantry now slowly auto-heal to 50% health whenever undamaged for 30 seconds All infantry are blocked from refilling at a PT within 5 seconds of taking damage Buffed purchasable frag grenades: Damage strength: 35 -> 40 Explosion Radius: 4 -> 6 Explosion Inner Radius: 2 -> 3 Proxy mines no longer stick to friendly units Proxy mine health greatly reduced: 100 -> 45 Timed C4 is now grouped under the pistol for Engineers GDI Officer Rate of fire increased: 20 -> 30 Removed spray angle increase on movement GDI Missile Trooper Weapon right click has been changed from scoping to “dumbfire” (missiles with no tracking) GDI Riot Trooper Pistol/Shield is now centered in first person view Shotgun adjustments Slug damage reduced: 110 -> 60 Slug spray increased: 0.2 -> 0.4 Slug projectile extension XYZ reduced: 0.1 -> 0.05 Slug ammo cost reduced: 2 -> 1 Inner spray angle % added: 0.5 Shifted 2 pellets to inner radius GDI Medic No longer heals enemies Self-healing to 50% is twice as fast (compared to other infantry) and requires half the time to activate GDI Jumpjet Can now drive vehicles Improved aerodynamics Increased projectile extension: 0 -> 0.1 GDI Enforcer Weapon damage increased: 4.5 -> 5.5 Weapon velocity increased: 75 -> 115 Weapon can now travel through a max of 6 targets Nod Elite Cadre Buffed Sting grenade: Explosion Radius: 2.5 -> 3. Explosion Inner Radius: 1.25 -> 1.5 Nod Cyborg Commando Removed ability to harm himself with his flames Nod Cyborg Minigun now uses correct tracer Increased Cannon Damage: 11.5 -> 20 Nod Chameleon Spy The Spy now takes damage from standing in Tiberium Nod Kerubim Reduced Damage 15 -> 12 Weapons Fixed some weapon name typos Tracer sizes adjusted slightly Vehicles Units that are underground can now drive beneath walls and gates Underwater zones now destroy aircraft immediately GDI Wolverine Spray angle decreased: 2 -> 1.25 Yaw turn rate increased: 10 -> 20 GDI Amphibious APC Reduced Price: 800 -> 700 Increased Damage: 20 -> 30 New firing sound Cleaned up Turret Ring Texture Unwrap New Dedicated Turret Model GDI Hover MLRS Fixed target locking issue Rate of fire increased: 6 -> 7.75 Burst delay decreased: 1.4 -> 1.25 Random tracking value decreased: 0.07 -> 0.05 GDI Disruptor Increased speed: 0.5 m/s Weapon can now travel through a max of 8 targets GDI Mobile EMP Now affects enemy rate of fire and reload: reduces by 34% Weapon explosion radius increased: 12 -> 15 Fixed a bug related to the panning of the tracks GDI Juggernaut Reduced gun traverse/elevation speed and minimum depression Reduced Impact Damage 75 -> 60 Reduced Explosion Damage: 75 -> 45 Reduced weapon’s explosion radius: Explosion Radius: 15 -> 10 Explosion Inner Radius: 7.5 -> 5 Juggernaut no longer takes reduced damage when deployed GDI Mammoth Mk II Adjusted turret camera New chin gun firing sound GDI Orca Fighter General adjustments to VTOL flight mode Increased Health: 300 -> 400 GDI Orca Bomber Vertical acceleration increased. 20000 -> 35000 Nod Attack Buggy Target bone added Nod Attack Cycle Increased Damage: 32 -> 52 Nod Devil’s Tongue Increased speed slightly. Torque up 16000 -> 18000 Spray angle decreased slightly: 7.5 -> 7.25 Target bone added Custom flamethrower explosion added Explosion radius increased: 4 -> 5 Camera shake radius increased: 3 -> 3.5 Muzzle Bones Angled down 5 degrees(hits targets closer to ground easier) Nod Subterranean APC Price reduced: 800 -> 700 Increased Health: 500 -> 600 Nod Mobile Repair Vehicle Rate of fire increased: 8 -> 16 Repair “damage” increased: 2 -> 5 Health reduced: 400 -> 350 Building warhead scale: 0.5 -> 0.4 Speed increased: Engine torque: 8000 -> 8500 Range increased: 12 -> 14 Nod Stealth Tank Disabled surface effect damage (The vehicle is no longer de-stealthed in Tiberium) Nod Artillery Reduced gun traverse/elevation speed and minimum depression Reduced damage: 90 -> 75 Reduced weapon’s explosion radius: Explosion Radius: 16 -> 12 Explosion Inner Radius: 8 -> 6 Target bone added Animated barrel (deploy animation) Improved the wheels slightly Artillery no longer takes reduced damage when deployed Nod Harpy Increased Rate of Fire 20 ->30 Increased Health: 300 -> 450 Nod Banshee Banshee guns now pivot up and down slightly Added barrel pitch: +5° to -15° Reduced ammo reserve: 24 -> 16 Increased Health: 300 -> 400 That's it! That's it for now. If you want to provide feedback on the game, please head over to Discord and post in the feedback Hub, or if you prefer, our General Discussion forum is also a great place to discuss the game too. See you on the battlefield soldiers! [blurb]We've just released Tiberian Sun: Reborn version! Our focus on this release was to fix bugs and improve the overall balance of the game. The notes within this post should cover all of the changes we've made in the past couple of weeks.[/blurb]
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