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Posts posted by Timeaua

  1. I have massive plans for a Forgotten faction. That's going to take a while though, so it won't happen anytime soon.


    Capturable Forgotten techbuilding somewhere on the maps so you can build some of their stuff. The techbuilding should be guarded by AI. If captured, you can build mammoth tank and some mutant infantry.


    Grievances with my router aside, I had a blast. It'd be nice if we could make this a bi-monthly or monthly thing.


    You sir, were one of my main targets!


    Thoroughly enjoyed last night, was great to relive the memories from when we had a maxed out server everyday!


    Ive just played 1 hour yesterday. Have we reached a full server?

  3. I think the Enforcer armour idea is something that is needed, I felt that he was a bit too weak for his price tag as well. But on the other hand, he is not effected by Tiberium and has a fairly powerful Personal Ion Cannon.


    Its defenately a unit which needs some good skill. You need to make headshots to be effective. Just hitting the body does nearly no damage which is good, as its a hitscan weapon.

    Its weaponrange is quite short, so vehicles are able to escape this unit. So approaching to the enemy vehicles should be done smart, especially if you have the jetpack addition.

    Oveall its a nice and needed addition to the GDI arsenal.


    A idea to encourage more teamplay against cyborgs and vehicles: Maybe its possible to give Disk throwers EMP discs which slow down cyborgs and vehicles for some seconds, but does less damage. So this will help enforcer to headshot cyborgs and get vehicles before escaping.

  4. Is it possible to give the Enforcer more armor while not promoted? In mean its a 1000$ unit, and you die too quick against infantry. Im for an armor increase from 150/100 to 150/150. If promoted 200/150, like it is now.


    And elite disk thrower need a bit nerfing. They are very strong for a 200$ unit!

  5. Also for a free game like Reborn, there's not really all that much wrong with the Renegade Engine itself. Graphics can be made better and the vehicle physics are arguably better than Renegade X's (tank stacking anyone?).



    Youre right. The vehicle physics of RenX are a huge mess compared to the original Renegade

  6. Vehicles are also rather useless unless you have a huge rush. There's no convenient way to repair a tank on the battlefield. The mobile repair tank is clunky and requires another person and GDI has to return to base and pay money to repair a tank. Also the lack of the ability to repair Nod characters in the field is also a sore point. (other than cyborgs in tib).


    What i think would be cool if someone could renegadize tiberian sun, the same way tiberian dawn was tweaked.


    Its good as it is. Renegeade repairing system leads to base camping situations.

  7. We've been having a couple problems internally. We are still extensively testing this stuff. I don't have an updated changelog, but here are a few updates anyway:


    Disk Thrower death explosion REMOVED (turned them into suicide units)

    Ghoststalker splash removed (Mainly as a test, but there are a few problems in the netcode)

    Added two new infantry maps (more to come)


    Infantry maps from the infantry beta?

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