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About AntiVirGear

  • Birthday May 3

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  1. Nothing much to tell, I just can't login even if my password and username are correct (otherwise I wouldn't be able to write here a thread) Down for everyone or just me?
  2. Oh god, how funny it was when my mom got worried about that nobody called her at home (Plugged out the phone cable )
  3. Time when we yelled the whole home down because he/she should stop/finish their phone call ^^
  4. Her only access point is GPRS... and even my nokia (speaking of old nokia which were used by Laden in their cave if you know, what I mean or how should they upload their videos?) failed to have something more then EDGE... Perfect place for kids who should learn, that there is another world except facebook... So if'm right, we need original 56k modems with SIM-Card support (or just a internet stick?) for doing the dial up.. Nobody tried once to dial up with... forgot, everyone have minimum PPPoE so they never needed to dial up with someone ^^
  5. Yep, talking about Tiberian Sun (Firestorm) ^^ FPS over dial up IS playable but login/joining to the rooms does take so long that it's possible the game is already over but surprisingly not more laggy than wifi
  6. Hi guys, as you already saw (and hopefully know), we were able long years ago, to play with our friend via dial-up which was a lot cheaper IF you had something like a flatrate or else. The thing is, my gf don't own an access point in any way, she only have the smartphone but their cell-towers are too far away to have a stable connection OR the town is messed up somehow but forget it. The point is that calling with her works perfectly so I guess that if I use to play via dial-up, it shouldn't make any problems. However, I don't really know how it could realize that, maybe someone from you is a better nerd than me and can help me with this problem. I know it very obsolete but I have my reasons why I wanna do this in that way.
  7. Can't we use a grabber which tries to list everything from the server and download them? I did it once eta 10 Years ago to have a small copy from wikipedia but I don't know how it work today. I'll try to download as much a possible but I can only hold up to 2TB, enough for all cnc stuff? UPDATE: Call me what you want but I written everyone from gamefront an eMail, asking for ftp access with read rights. Maybe they can help me/us in someway ...
  8. I heard about TSR 2.0 but I never thought that the old server have to be shut down for that
  9. ... I only remember that I tried every day to be better then ShadowWarrior ... every day I tired to have an higher score and better K/D rate than him ... and that some people tried to glitch/fight outside the map but nothing more... And if I want or try to play, nobody is there on W3D hub... the server is down... What happened... since the last 1-1,5 Years...
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