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ToxyWoxy last won the day on June 8 2015

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  1. 4G network - I use my phone as my home wifi. I live out in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere (even by standards of Finland this is the middle of nowhere) and the only copper-wire ISP that services this area is able to provide only the bare minimum 1Mbps connection. On the whole I'm happy with the 4G net -- except that I live fairly close to a military training ground and everytime they do field training my internet goes to absolute horseshit. Luckily it's only a few times an year and for a few days at most.
  2. NOZZY!? AND LORD_KANE!? ...Maaaan, I've missed you guys like a bad rash.
  3. I began noticing mosquitoes were passing out after spending a few seconds tapped into me. Turns out that's nature's way of telling you to tone down the drinking. It really is like a highschool re-union! We should drag Grendies here too.
  4. And I'm not even as drunk as I was ten years ago! My last activity in anything resembling these parts was like five years ago -- jeez.
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