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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I suspect evidence doesn't exist until we actually investigate someone. It's likely everyone who is suspicious/non town has evidence on them.
  2. When you consider that we've only gotten 3 pieces of evidence it's not that surprising.
  3. I'll have to keep roleblocking FRAYDO if he is still suspicious though.
  4. No, but he did find a concussion!
  5. I suppose that's why killing you had the grenade. Third party able to resolve stalemates. 2 scum and a third party is what we should expect in a 10 player game. I think scum just played poorly.
  6. I'd bet mojo's gun activation is more restrictive than mine. He probably doesn't have access. Should have kept the grenade.
  7. I wonder if FRAYDO is hostile now. We might have to kill him the old fashion way.
  8. Look guys, all I know is that I probably role blocked both scum. As far as I'm concerned I played the best town I've ever played and deserve to be moved to the scum team.
  9. ##Unsubscribe I'll leave who I role blocked as a mystery for the reader.
  10. You really can't help but be super scummy can you? Sounds like a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable. A question I thought of since I last posted that I think we should consider. Is evidence from scum true or false?
  11. I wish you had waited a bit cat5. Would have been nice to know your thinking on FRAYDO vs Chaos. I think I'll have to go with my gut on this.
  12. Vert doesn't have an inherent night action (unless grenade has a day and night component) so he should be free for night actions anyway. If Orange turns up hostile like we suspect should I say who I'm going to roleblock? If I die that would be nice information to have.
  13. What is it with you people and your pathological need to vote everyone but Orange?
  14. You don't think chaos is scum?
  15. This has something I've been loathe to admit, but I realized I should mention this if I ever lose my item/die. Roleblocking changes your status. I went from suspicious to hostile when I smacked orange with my cane.
  16. It was a pretty sudden shift that happened on Day 3? I can look for the lists jeod made before he died where he basically said he knows Irish's role. Are you sure you don't have a section on evidence? It's the last part of my PM and I didn't notice it was there until last night.
  17. Spyglass allows the user to see if the person has any evidence, and cat5 added today it moves said evidence to the vault. Speaking of which, does anyone actually have "carries evidence" section in their PM as a yes? Spyglass might only work on previously discovered evidence. Jeod previous tracked irish doing something. Since his ability uncovered the action, but not target, we can be reasonably sure in Jeod's intuitions. Irish also puts too much emphasis on the wording of our objective in the PM because it makes him seem smart. In reality it doesn't deal with the Nodlied differing the wording slightly (my objective has an additional word).
  18. I've gone from low (worried orange is innocent and kill happens), to high (blocked kill yay!), back to low today (scum knows my role and we're confused again).
  19. Who has claimed both bullet proof and is town's number one suspect?
  20. If cat5 tried to take items himself, I could see a bus driver trying to divert the kill away from cat5 interfereing.
  21. I said we could have austro-hungarian warmongers. So they're not part of the black hand, but providing material support in order to bring about a war causing crisis. Remember it was the Austrian government's demands that turned the assassination into a full fledged war. So your spyglass was stolen earlier, and today someone redirected both the spyglass and the evidence?
  22. I thought I had it all figured out and now I'm confused again.
  23. So we're dealing with three scum then. Chaos knew I was the person who roleblocked orange and Orange was the night killer.
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