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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. If it's not you, KY, or me, then all scum are capitalist swine. Which is a possibility since we have all anti war soviets.
  2. More importantly we have no alternative win condition. We can only win by killing scum and the only way we can kill scum is by lynching! ##vote Shade
  3. Here's something I've been thinking about. World tension increased by 25% in one night. Shade says the ability they used on KY reduces world tension by 10% if KY is scum. I don't think it's reasonable for scum to be able to jack up world tension by 35% in one night. So I think KY has a point. It didn't proc which means KY can't be scum. ##unvote This basically leaves you all with one suspicious soviet player: Me. I don't really have any defense I can make for myself. It's a big part of why I've been a bit dismissive of the case against me along with a belief that town shouldn't be overly concerned with cases against themselves. I also have a roleclaim that is as liable to get me lynched as it is save me, I'm going to steal a play from Irish here: I know I'm town. So Shade has to be lying if there's one soviet scum which also implies he's probably not lying about KY. He also seems mighty eager to paint chopbam as LeMay like he's setting up for a later lynch. I think his accusation that I'm trying to get myself lynched is kind of weird. I don't think that's a scenario a new player would think of on their own.
  4. Wait is Irish soviet? I voted killing you on the assumption that there were only 3 soviets.
  5. >Reveal that I have a powerful one time use ability >Shade reveals they can recharge one time use abilities >LOL might as well reveal night action xaxaxax ???
  6. This is a point I'll have to consider... I think, therefore I'm town I agree with the assertion that if shade was scum he wouldn't be asking basic questions in the thread when he could just ask in the scum doc. KY I think you have it backwards. He's been pretty defensive about initially claiming Russian. A good soviet doesn't care about nationality! He's also been annoying persistent about everyone's nationality. ##vote Killing_You Oh and to stop this nonsense about Castro, I am Vladimir Semichastny, head of the KGB.
  7. I'm defending KY. As far as I can tell Irish taking KY's sovietness as a mark against him, and I'm saying that argument is nonsense.
  8. For the record I've been resisting declaring my nationality because I think it is irrelevant to towns objective. Anyone obsessing over it is liable to be third party in my book. If you're going to use soviet nationality as evidence against a person then you better start considering I'm soviet as well.
  9. I want my target alive for value. I think that's safe to say considering the ability names our dead Kennedys have.
  10. Cat5 is as good player. I wasted so much time second guessing him near the end of the last mafia game I played I didn't want to repeat that.
  11. I'm hesitant to go further into it because my second ability (also a night action) ties into it and is still of some use. I needed to do it to someone for full use of my second ability and it would help me figure out cat5's alignment in the process.
  12. Used a one time use ability on cat5 that only works when he's alive.
  13. I was hoping I would have some more to talk about myself. Instead I made a massive error last night and wasted my role.
  14. So you decided it would be preferable to lynch an inactive player rather than go with your gut and lynch me or FRAYDO.
  15. I don't know why I'm so surprised cat5 was killed night one considering the last time that happened I was the one who suggested that IIRC. This reasoning makes no sense to me. Why say he's voting Voe for inactivity then say Voe is one of his top suspects?
  16. Apparently people don't appreciate trying to get people to talk by injecting some levity into the joke phase. Otherwise all the talk has been when I've been sleeping or in class
  17. So I realized that I won’t be around for hammer if it falls on a Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday. Also won’t have much of a chance to read the thread on those days.
  18. So first things first. My primary suspects are those of you who live in or around the mojave desert.
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