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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Wisdom control night force action. 50% chance to resist any dark force action during the night 10 FP. He used the comms device instead of learning right?
  2. A) Being overconfident is FUN (I did just win the duel with voe) B) I didn't think about the implications of championing until the fun wore off
  3. It occurs to me that I know why and is very much a non sith move...
  4. I've thought championing myself wasn't a good move for awhile. I really haven't had anyone else to "volunteer" though. I like the idea that we pit suspects against one another, so I want that option to be open as hammer nears.
  5. We need votes on shade if you don't want Jeod to fight btw.
  6. ##vote champion Irish ##vote sith Shade
  7. Uggh, the bandwagon is stronk with this one >.>
  8. Do you mean put up shade as champion and Irish as sith?
  9. That's probably the best argument for being careful who you champion.
  10. You need a sith vote and a champion vote to avoid the penalty apparently.
  11. I've been trying to get at that since the first time I said championing myself was a mistake.
  12. Now this is the kind of d1 shenanigans I live for.
  13. Worse still is if it's a town vs town fight, one town will die and another will be injured. Either has to waste a day healing, or might even get sniped by whatever is in the sith bag of tricks.
  14. If we had more people voting it would be a lot easier to decide on an action and go. Right now I think it's worth killing shade just so we can move on. If he wins the duel people are liable to just vote him to duel again. Honestly think in the future we should have both our champion and sith vote be scummy players.
  15. I'm like 99% sure there has never been a Vert game where we didn't complain about combat or how the game played out.
  16. I would vote for sith, but I feel it's in bad form for the champion to cast a deciding vote on who they're fighting. Open to abuse I feel. That was just a slow game. Hence why I started talking about my N1 actions.
  17. Also I must correct myself. I am Ramboliation not Rambotaliation. I knew it sounded off.
  18. You guys are supposed to resist Rambotaliation not encourage him!
  19. It would be a control ability. I'm guessing charisma control.
  20. I do not believe anything Jeod has done warrants a Sith vote.
  21. I did figure out a scenario where 10 FP would make a difference. It's a bad scenario, but it exists I guess.
  22. I just don't know what good having 90 force does if all you can do is meditate and use two wimpy force powers.
  23. What do we believe determines force power effect? Combat and force or knowledge and force?
  24. We should just throw you all into a ring and let the force sort you out. Then we'll kill the survivor in case the force failed.
  25. Err I mean force nodlied and shade to fight by championing one and sith voting the other.
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