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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Shade wants me to point out just how over the top this supposed racial bonus is compared to say the human bonus (+10 on rest). It would take 7 rests for me or chopbam to match the gain irish just made.
  2. My takeaway is that we still have Irish and nodlied fight, then kill the winner if the game goes on. Not too different than my earlier suggestion that we just have a big brawl and kill the winner.
  3. Shade an I noted that as well. Felt it was was good evidence that since Irish seems to be scum, that scum is operating on second order logic (if town knows that I want to fight someone they'll think they're town so I'll suggest a scum buddy).
  4. We cannot risk losing Jedi to fight Irish. Too many force powers to screw you over. We need to get sith to fight each other so we can take them on while they're weak. We also need to roleblock as many sith as possible. For me that means sending either Chop or Nodlied to fight Irish.
  5. I feel confident in this case to just vote. ##vote sith Irish
  6. So shade's thinking that -20 is a VERY interesting number this game. There's a very limited set of circumstances that let you do it. One of which is 70 - 90.
  7. I have done N0 Maximize Force, Learn N1 Maximize Force, Learn N2 Maximize Force, Learn N3 Duel N4 Rest (+10 for human) Shade has thoughts. Concerning thoughts.
  8. I was kidding about fighting FRAYDO guys.
  9. On one hand, this means the inevitable Hrothy vs Kane rematch is still viable. On the other, I'm kind of sad FRAYDO wasn't punished for his lack of punish. I think you stumbled on a tyrant that was just too much for you cat5.
  10. Someone obviously had the same thoughts I did playing X...
  11. If we do it, I'm pretty sure I'd have to be the sith vote.
  12. So who here is supportive of setting up Horthy VS Kane Cage Match 2?
  13. Really? I would not have expected that.
  14. So Voe... Is telling us about his corruption, then turning around and fully embracing it something he would do?
  15. Are you suggesting Shade is a force ghost because his killer was sith?
  16. Huh. That is a bit different than normal.
  17. On second thought, you would expect that to happen when town are on their last legs and scum have almost won.
  18. Have we considered if the Rule of Two is a thing, that the apprentice could want to usurp the master?
  19. He didn't tell me who he was going to contact, but he did want to play it safe today. I think. I really should have copied the doc before it closed on me :v.
  20. Do we really have no force ghosts today?
  21. I'm honestly surprised no one has turned on me. Although being able to tell if a dueling player is scum via the FBI would be too obvious.
  22. Which is exactly what scum want you to think (unless they rested)... However, I did demonstrate I spent every day learning a new force power during the fight. I can also easily show I spent every day increasing my max FP once I rest. In addition to what voe said, it also has use restrictions.
  23. Well here's a fun bit of info. The night the FBI didn't change is the day I was roleblocked from dueling. Odd cooincidence.
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