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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Hey Sunflower, cat5 wants to know the names of the force night actions you have.
  2. I thought it was you couldn't vote yourself as sith. I've been voting myself as champ all game.
  3. He wanted to know sunflower's combat skill. We're also in hindsight super suspicious of Voe for not light medidating earlier. He just makes himself an easy target for further corruption.
  4. Honestly at this point there's not much point in keeping that a secret. We all have a fairly good idea what each combat style does.
  5. Could everyone mention their combat and knowledge skills? It's a hassle to go back and check with 85 pages now.
  6. Oh cat5 visited me today. I have a theory I want to discuss with him. Either way though, it seems we're forced into a Voe vs Irish fight. Tomorrow I can fight the winner.
  7. I used danger sense which detects hostile actions directed toward me. Got nothing.
  8. Well Sith. That's it for investigative abilities I guess.
  9. It's not an actual W3D game if everything functioned smoothly and intuitively. Plus those fancy duel result things are hell on the GM.
  10. No, we both agreed he would visit Chop. If I got no response from Chop or couldn't coax one out of him, I would take that as him being scum. I got confused when chop claimed KY and thought he said Shade. It's kind of suspicious.
  11. I think there's some things you could call me out on. Suspected Jeod, but played soft. Didn't reveal shade until later. Argued against going after Irish at first in favor of KY.
  12. Ok fine. If you're town you should surrender so we stop wasting our time on you.
  13. The only rewards for winning a duel I've seen are second level form maneuvers (you saw Irish use one) and the one time use super rest. I suppose dark force users might get a different bonus.
  14. Yeah I had a rethink, and I think we're just putting voe in harms way if he's town. Voe is pretty vulnerable to the 2 point corruption scum has demonstrated. We also know there has to be a third scum, because if Irish isn't lying there's someone who can mess with investigation results. ##vote champion Chopbam ##vote sith Irish
  15. If you die Orange... ## vote champion Orange ##vote sith Chopbam Watch out for dark power nonsense he could have learned when only using mind meld.
  16. You can't do anything when you've dueled that night. Can't rest, can't use force powers, can't learn. Nothing.
  17. I don't know if I've mentioned this in thread, but the reason I like Irish on lockdown is that I don't think I can kill him if he's had a chance to rest :v.
  18. I've have a policy of generally ignoring Irish when I suspect he's scum after last game, but I don't know the logic behind that one either.
  19. He lost 30 FP N2 which is when he and cat5 got mind meld results on nodlied.
  20. Chopbam FP at day start D1 90 D2 60 D3 30 D4 20 D5 110 D6 50
  21. That's right you've had two non rest days where you couldn't learn. Holo and hibernation trance right?
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