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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Irish that's not really supposed to be an accusation against you. I'm passing along Shade's logic to suspect you in order to show Orange I'm telling the truth. Shade has decided it's Very Important to tell you that he feels scum can only access their scum doc during the night phase. I believe this is something we've discussed already though.
  2. That reminds me, I can prove the only force ability I've used all game is Maximize Force since I need to rest anyway.
  3. I learned my final T1 ability (sense) and continued to buff my max FP.
  4. Summary of the rambling of my late master Dare Komad A) Only one to vote up Jeod as champion B) Tried to assist in the Jeod vs Nodlied duel C) Something about Hibernation thing that I can't remember happening D) Hasn't healed himself despite having easy access to a force ability to do so E) Overreaction to Cat5 mentioning how happy Irish was to be a jedi F) Removed mention of hibernation from his chart later
  5. Shade is worried about scum having an unblockable ability to counter him similar to scum having a trump card against me in cuban missile crisis. This is why he was interested in seeing if scum could get around your defenses. Remember the beginning of the game where we said don't answer questions for other people? This feels like that My questioning of cat5 and nodlied was supposed to be a hint that I was in contact with Shade. I have Irish writing down WHY he thinks Irish is scum though.
  6. He's been avoiding talking about you because that inevitably makes me ask questions about your doc. He really doesn't like that everyone suddenly decided that Irish isn't suspicious though.
  7. Vert's tightened what Shade can and can't talk about in the force doc apparently. Can basically only ask his opinions on what he thinks of the public game. I like how his suspect list is over half the players though. Really big on trying to figure out who's learning dark force powers.
  8. That would be cheating (he's surprisingly protective about his force ghostness). Won't even tell me things he talked to you about directly. Instead Shade mentions that Irish hasn't healed himself yet.
  9. Shade wanted to see your reaction if sith used an ability on you. In addition he wanted me to prod at Nodlied/Cat5 without them knowing where it was coming from.
  10. So to solve our shade mystery, he's with me. That's where the looking at Nodlied/Cat5's FP to see what they've been up to came from. He's pretty convinced they've been learning dark side powers for some reason.
  11. I just wanted to hear some reasoning so thank you. I've personally been on the SPEND ALL THE POINTS train so I haven't really been considering conserving FP. Come to think of it I think that was nodlied's reasoning as well.
  12. In your case I'm more curious why you go from 90 to 60 FP (on night 1 I believe).
  13. I have to say I'm curious why both Cat5 and nodlied don't seem to be making the most of their double learning bonuses.
  14. That's what inspired me to make a Tachanka character. I'll probably go back to it after the game is over.
  15. Becacuse Tachanka fights for the glory of... But really it's because I imagine he's sentimental about the soviet union (he's like the second oldest operator in siege).
  16. What are you guys doing to get results on people?
  17. Well now we wait for sunflower I guess.
  18. You need to stop rolling above average voe. You did the same thing in our duel!
  19. I don't like it either, but apparently if you win a duel you can cure yourself of dark side corruption.
  20. I am fine with Voe being our champion if he is willing.
  21. It's stacking. So I'm at 120 right now because I started with it. Incidentally I can also confirm wisdom does have a basic ability to fend off dark powers. As for force ghosts... Not nearly as dickish as the time I gave all vanilla town guns that could only kill vanilla town.
  22. Ah. Well I didn't do it because I was spending that FP to raise my max FP.
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