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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I'm deciding between shade and nodlied. Didn't Irish say he went for a non combat build? Seems a poor champion choice. We could always champion nodlied AND shade afterall.
  2. You're going to have to go into that one some more. Options are good.
  3. It makes sense in context. I think I can be confident that learning dark side force powers is something that causes the balance indicator to change. Basing this on the little snippets I still have of that game.
  4. This is a relevant quote from DS3 from me
  5. BTW the CVC Vert posted is from Dead Space 3 Mafia if those of you that were there were trying to remember which one. I just can't remember how convergence worked.
  6. It would not be the first time nor the last time for BHP mafia. It's not all that hard to hint to your partners anyway. Could be worth looking over everyone's D0 posts for that stuff.
  7. It's been too long. If no one else can remember I might be able to piece it together though. IIRC having to meet up with your team was a big part of my unitologist (bad guy) objective. I think it might also suggest that fighting is bad.
  8. First post Makes me curious about the "multiple ways" to undermine us.
  9. WAAAAAAGH! It did about double in size. We also have an idea that there is more than one scum because they get to talk to each other during duels.
  10. And by that I mean I feel more in control in RPGs compared to normal mafia.
  11. It's been awhile since I played an RPGish game, but I think I just feel more in control.
  12. Sense meditation with the wisdom attribute has a net loss of 40 force points (-50 + 10)
  13. I think I have a guess if you're interested.
  14. That's the spirit! Oh I'm like 99% sure championing yourself is a bad move. You're guaranteeing that someone friendly is putting their life at risk. When you champion someone else, you're only probably doing that.
  15. Retaliation is made for fightin'. Fightin' and winnin'.
  16. It means some of you bastards can't resist the allure of potential power. ##champion Retaliation Well I don't need it because I'm already awesome.
  17. He's a meme character, but he's portrayed as wise and powerful. Perfect for a jedi character (or a sith character if you focus on the lord part).
  18. Unless you can't counter attack center or defense stances at all.
  19. Then you basically spend 60 stamina to do one strong attack compared to 40 stamina to do 2 weaker attacks.
  20. I'm back from some shopping. ##offensive stance
  21. If the Defender successfully defends against the attacker (his Defence is greater than Attack), and he has an attack value greater than the attacker's defense, he can counterattack back. From the duel tutorial. Voe has an attack of zero, I have a defense of zero. I don't know if being equal is important.
  22. No. Basically if voe has no way to stop me from counter attacking, I'll deal 9*roll damage to him.
  23. Oh definitely, but you can't rely on rolling a ten every combat round! I feel like forms are for when you are just away from some sort of threshold and have the stamina advantage. Like my ward meant that if voe used jedi ready he would need to roll a 9 or 10 to kill me.
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