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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Eh, Irish was poisoning the discussion the whole game. He got very lucky that his early mark was the cop and forced me to reveal.
  2. I literally said yesterday scum just needed one vote for them to be able to force a hammer. So you decide the prudent case of action is to vote and then wait for me to defend myself!? I have been hounded since Day 2 (day one if you include Irish's reasoning on voting voe) either for not talking enough (when no one is talking) or for trying to hide that I'm the cop. How is it that cat5 gets off the hook for lying but when retal lies he's scum?
  3. I was writing one, but it's irrelevant. I'm 99% sure you're town so scum just has to put their two votes on me to win.
  4. Since no one can replace me (the dead doc has entered spoiler mode apparently), my physics test last Friday didn't turn out to be a trainwreck (86/100), and the math test was delayed to Tuesday, I'm back! Also I cut up shade's body into little pieces! ##Lockout: Visit your target and diffuse any passive abilities they may have. If scum are diffused, regardless of if they have passive abilities, world tension will lower by 10 points. ##Rearm : Visit your target and restock any one shot abilities they may have. Also restores passive abilities if you’ve disarmed the wrong person. And more importantly the actions he's taken Night 1 he locked out KY Night 2 he locked out Irish
  5. So you're saying that there's not a single full fledged investigation role in this entire game? That we have a plethora of ways to stop world tension, but no way to actively hunt scum. When I roleclaimed you immediately unvoted Irish. Not a single bit of hesitation like KY. Didn't even wait for a counterclaim. The night Shade targeted you we had a net loss of world tension. We know one scum has a passive gain of 10 points per night and that killing town nets at least 10 points of world tension. KY cannot have reduced world tension single highhandedly and no one else has claimed the ability to reduce world tension. I want to remind everyone that tomorrow scum will be one vote away from hammering. I don't care if you believe I'm town or not, ending the day early only helps scum.
  6. So nodlied is effectively confirmed because he can't have figured out mojo was cuban without actually being a flavor cop. It's probably the best way to to make the flavor cop equal in power to the alignment cop tbh. It also means I have reason to use my second ability.
  7. The masonry was basically Been awhile mojo Lol yeah Ur scum U serious Ye
  8. It might be possible shade whiffed and we can't tell because scum didn't pump up the WT tonight. Perhaps they were busy doing something else. Like inviting cops to docs. Food for thought on Irish. I don't think we can reasonably make progress without lynching or use of night actions.
  9. We have a confirmed town stating that he had a soviet player he is trying to hunt. We have 2 other known soviet players, KY and myself. KY cannot be anyone but the soviet world leader, master of shoes. He's also already been targeted by Shade. Saying either of us could be Shade's prey, is effectively saying I'm scum. I thought you believed I was the cop?
  10. Does anyone have only one ability? Does anyone have an ability tied to world tension?
  11. Ah, but have you considered night 1 our tension jumped from 15 to 40? Scum's already shown they can jump tension by 25, and what is 20 + 10 - 25?
  12. Oh I don't want to end the day early either. I just feel obligated to have a vote on mojo.
  13. What beans are left to spill? ##vote Mojoman Thinking further in the direction of finding scum by ruling out everyone else Nodlied: Not much contribution to scum hunting, but looking back there's a detail to support his nationality cop claim. He knew I would be a cop when I claimed my flavor, much like how I figured out his flavor when he claimed role Jeod: I like his target priority. After me KY and Shade were the most obvious targets, and Jeod was being consistent in distrusting Shade. Irish: I've talked a lot about Irish. Chopbam: Killing You: One Shoe to rule them all, One Shoe to find them, One Shoe to bring them all and in class struggle bind them. Retaliation: *REDACTED* Mojojojo: Has done precious little all game and I got a scum read. Short of a redirect I can't conceive of a way around it. I don't think me being bussed is likely because it's inconsistent with killing shade.
  14. Is the herbert hoover avatar a slight hint that you're J Edgar Hoover?
  15. His list of suspects from his voe vote is full of likely non mafia players though.
  16. Never mind I can't find a case where Irish really talked about nationality.
  17. I've done it before. It's pretty funny from a GM perspective. Ideally I would have time to play with mojo to be sure, but classwork is more important. Irish and mojo are on the top of my lists. Not only has the world tension decreased fitting in with Shade's roleclaim, but he Irish has been spotty. I feel like the vote on shade could be an excellent example of scum trying to push the lynch toward an active threatening player and away from an inactive unknown one. Mojo has been pretty inactive, lied about his flavor, and has been deflecting from the importance of nationality. Come to think of it so has Irish.
  18. Mojo claimed castro before he realized I was being 100% serious on my scum read.
  19. On the other had, as far as scum knew I agreed to investigate shade. Be odd to mess with me and kill shade. You said there could be world leader scum didn't you Jeod?
  20. No, although I suppose that is possible. It's hard to believe mojo when he's already lied about his flavor. He's claimed castro in the doc.
  21. So two things happened for me last night. I got a scum read on mojo, and I assume he invited me to a doc. I'm basically questioning him twice!
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