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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Other than the one I just wasted :v? ##center of being ##sense surroundings
  2. That means KY is stuck with a roll of zero? Fix yer RNG vert!
  3. Was I not forced off jedi ready due to lack of stamina?
  4. If I have to maintain my stance ##reduce injury
  5. This will be your death [Jedi/Sith] scum!
  6. Oh yeah the vote penalty. ##vote champion Retaliation ##vote sith Killing You
  7. How did you know I was Darth Maul this whole time?!
  8. I'll have you fools know I am galactic limbo champion.
  9. It's because cat5 is literally a ninja. I'm pretty sure Irish has never actually seen him!
  10. You know I wasn't lying about that right? It's not serious enough to interfere with academics, but it's still makes communication a chore.
  11. So you believe in ghosts, but not that I'm talking to one correct?
  12. More like Nodlied isn't publicly using his ability to it's fullest potential, so he must be hiding something! If you voting me sith because you don't believe I'm talking to a ghost, that's fine. If you think I'm sith because you don't believe in ghosts, then you're saying orange is sith. Orange being sith is kind of a stretch imo.
  13. I think it's because he was misunderstanding your argument. Thought you were arguing he's probably not scum because he used a light power rather than because he used an alignment cop power.
  14. Nope. I'm kind of expecting to die in battle or while resting so I'll see for myself. Speaking of ghosts, he refused to give an opinion on if Jeod has become a ghost. He really doesn't like people who don't use the int bonus to it's fullest.
  15. Shade's basically foaming at the mouth that nodlied's scum btw. My analysis of the situation is that you guys caught nodlied using investigation actions which basically has no use for scum correct?
  16. The red part of the FBI went up compared to the one after the duel so someone's been influencing it.
  17. I was king of hoping to be able to rely your reasoning via shade as proof I have contact with him . He described his reasons more in terms of stopping town from focusing on him and start focusing on others, and your reasons as wanting to support his decisions.
  18. I spent a 30 minute car ride trying to answer this question because my phone glitched out and showed this as the latest post. I also forgot you asked this yesterday. I did think of something if you didn't talk about it publicly to fend off Jeod though. What have you said about your reasons for voting Shade?
  19. If you're going to make me champion, might as well extend the day because I won't be available at hammer.
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