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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. *shade can never use my corpse. I get you two confused really easily for some reason.
  2. Irish it is your sworn duty to make sure Irish can never use my corpse.
  3. We should do it, just to make this even more silly.
  4. Also it's really annoying getting lynched because you joke voted scum.
  5. I'm running on pure spite right now. I'm mildly regretting roleclaiming, because it would have been great to deny you all the knowledge that the GM felt it was useful to know how many hostiles there were.
  6. You guys need to stop doing this before I go to bed.
  7. You guys are making killing myself too easy.
  8. Tried for the obvious cat5 kill perhaps? I'd hate that, because I want him to be scum for not lynching me.
  9. I went into that a man at my prime, head of the KGB. I left a radioactive corpse.
  10. I honestly could see scum coordinating a roleblock and no night kill to frame me. I don't normally go down that kind of avenue, but CMC changed me.
  11. I'm tempted to say we should kill him, because scum has so graciously offered us a free night.
  12. Iit's plausible. Shade was way too defensive over my joke Day 1, kind of a mirror of how I was playing.
  13. Are you able to expand on what the pm said about the virus? Could give us an idea of how it works/who it's from.
  14. I meant using both night actions and item actions the same night. You already thought ahead of that and figured if it was an item action they probably wouldn't have a very good role ability.
  15. I don't think we can say that, because a bunch of people seem to have multiple night actions.
  16. I should have said "This is why I'm voting for Miklós Horthy"
  17. Roleblocking is a great power, but with that power comes great responsibility. This is why Retaliation should be the only one entrusted with the power to cane people.
  18. It's why I was reluctant to claim day 1, but if we're just going to roleblock Retaliation it doesn't really matter what his abilities are does it?
  19. The action is only considered hostile if its source is a hostile player.
  20. I think the bigger deal is that it suggests we're dealing with a more complicated bad guy setup.
  21. Fairly. Flavor and wording was getting in the way of comprehension. If any hostile players use an action (at night) I get an alert. I don't get names or actions, just that hostiles acted and how many. <-where I got confused between # of players or # of actions.
  22. Actually I'm pretty sure it's the number of hostiles who have acted.
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