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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Neither do I, but I haven't played one of Jeod's games before. It could help explain the lack of daykill on N1 though.
  2. I was told it means he starts with or creates items.
  3. For those of you who have played previous CYOR, is an origin role something you would expect to potentially be both town and scum?
  4. Why do you suspect Orange so much Cat5?
  5. I didn't remember the one time use bit. I was hoping to get cat5 to claim something himself however...
  6. I felt like chop was trying to get himself lynched. I might just be tuning out people's reasoning on why they're town. I believe cat5 had already claimed a role.
  7. I've been wanting to scream that all game lol. I think the piece of evidence most in your favor is that I had 3 hostiles detected. That would be a lot of mafia players in a game this size.
  8. Introspection is kind of scummy, because it means you've been looking at how your speech/actions are perceived. You shouldn't care too much about that as town.
  9. I can't even trust the PMs you send me!
  10. Your existence prevents us from achieving our objective. Also you assume it's town trying to get you lynched. I'm perfectly fine leaving you alive, you've just been making me question if you might be mafia.
  11. I suspect shade isn't telling us things straight. For example, if the only way to communicate with the mutant is via the thread, then it would be impossible to hide that shade is in some way responsible for night kills.
  12. You realize this objective of yours is nearly impossible to prevent right?
  13. It should! It's also day 3 and we've had only one nightkill and one lynch. Something weird is happening.
  14. The best you'll get out of them is not being nightkilled. Then again, they might do it anyway because you might accidentally kill one of them. You're still the biggest trump card they have during the day phase. I wouldn't be surprised if the train on you is scum supported.
  15. You have it backwards. As a third party, you have to justify your continued existence to us.
  16. What's on my mind right now, is if we would expect an origin role to be scum.
  17. I don't know. All I got is that you were an origin role.
  18. That would work! I’m curious what nodlies will have to say about his role when he gets online.
  19. It sounds like the corpse necromorph in one of the old dead space games. Players "win" if the necromorphs win, instead of their old objectives.
  20. Has it been considered Irish was killed due to his potential to become an unkillable roleblocker?
  21. It was fairly hard to decide on someone to actually cop. A lot of you have already demonstrated role abilities, and it's hard to distinguish who is scum between 4 flavors of roleblockers.
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