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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. If we get some evidence off Orange and it's fake, that would imply evidence from scum is false. I think this also fits in with cat5's first set of numbers where there's 2 fakes and means FRAYDO was innocent the whole time !
  2. FRAYDO's evidence was the one that implied there were Austro-Hungarian warmongers correct? How fitting.
  3. We will definitely need cat5 to explain because I don't think a drop so low is accounted for.
  4. I would also like to point out that we're all the way back to 16% evidence (A whole 10 points!).
  5. I would like to point out that chaos was all "Oops I was wrong tehe!" when vert was RNG'd, and now that: A) There was no kill B) He tracked me to Orange C) Orange claimed roleblocked He's still not voting orange.
  6. If someone was so inactive as to not send in a NK, then Nodlied would ask for a replacement like the last two games. We have had replacements for less afterall.
  7. *as not starting with it.
  8. On the contrary it's entirely mechanical. Unlocking my ability due to a trigger (first night kill) and being told is as much a part of my role as not starting it. You shouldn't claim what you don't understand.
  9. I agonized about what to do for 24 hours. What if Orange is telling the truth? But my status update for day 4 was explicit that I got the role block because of Joed's death, and you should always lynch liars. ##vote investigate Orange47
  10. I think at this point it's reasonable to assume chaos and orange are scumbuddies. Chaos at the very least is scum. Not the killer (he was locked up), but scum nonetheless. Of my three top suspects (Chaos, Orange, FRAYDO) FRAYDO cannot be the thief as he was roleblocked night 2. Chaos could be the thief but not Jeod's Killer. Orange could be either the killer or the thief. If there are only 2 scum it suggests that the thief was forced to act as the killer last night. This is impossible if chaos and fraydo are a scum team.
  11. If Orange is just suspicious you can confirm your idea by looking at the item in the vault right?
  12. Remember you unvoted orange cat5.
  13. This is bad for Bitcoin Retail.
  14. Yet you do not. Like Orange is your scumbuddy, but you don't want to be the person who rocks the vote either way.
  15. Also we need more votes on orange.
  16. I've already mentioned I still have no action. That's why I'm willing to pass.
  17. The thing I'm interested in is if nodlied supplied a reason for your new found ability. Like if it was given in response to world tension or some in game event. Would be helpful to figure out the kind of conditions me and mojo need for our items.
  18. And you were never given a reason by nodlied why you can all of a sudden use your item?
  19. First of all is my summary of your claim correct?
  20. I hope orange gets back on because I want to ask some more questions.
  21. If he suspects we know of his treason and closes the comm channel we won't be able to triangulate his location so the Deathwing can apprehend the traitor. AS IT SHOULD BE CITIZEN. MAY THE EMPEROR PROTECT.
  22. Are you suggesting xenos presence on Holy Terra isn't illegal?!
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