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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Mojo may or may not be having problems sending a night action in at this time.
  2. I'm fairly certain that they know. It was a kind of subtle hint, but I'd be surprised if several people looking for them missed it.
  3. Which is suggestive that we're reading someone's alignment wrong or we're only dealing with two scum. 4 people have suggested more than once there's allied buildings that I've noticed. Mojo, CK, Irish, and Orange. Scum team inspired by innocent town questioning or townie picking up on scum?
  4. What stops scum from lying about being role blocked? We waste the last of our battle actions killing Alstar, lynch the lier, and then lose to a night kill.
  5. It will be exceedingly hard to build a case on Chaos because he doesn't have much going on. Either because of timezones or because he's been trying to stay quiet, all he's really done are question me on my engineer read and be the first vote on jeod. I'm a bit biased toward my Irish case though. I see Killing You's death and think his Vote on Irish was a contributing factor in choosing him over the other silo.
  6. I literally just found the posts where the Irish and Retail scum team notion came from. I actually kind of forgot he tried to defend me.
  7. Not only that WE ALREADY LYNCHED HIM! Alstar why you got to ruin everything.
  8. If we lynch Jeod now, it will us a chance to analyze Irish's defense later I suppose. ##vote Jeod
  9. If you're going to be that obvious you might as well tell us what the team numbers look like.
  10. I actually think I made some fundamental errors in my thinking there. Disregard my advice.
  11. We have 2 scum, a serial killer, a renegade Jeod, and 5 citizens of our proud USSR. Assuming both scum and serial killer target town tonight (worst case scenario) If we lynch town we will have 2 players vs 2 scum so we'll lose If we lynch a building we will have 3 players vs 2 scum so we can survive (sort of) If we lynch scum we will have 3 players vs 1 scum so we're in a winning position unless silos die. If we lynch the serial killer we will have 4 players vs 2 scum. I think I have to recommend against killing jeod if we make a mistake with Irish.
  12. It would fit with the notion that voe was given a silo role because that requires no input.
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