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  1. I got an idea, This might be dumb, or its in the works or it's the works(BFD:WOA). But my idea, I would help create it if i knew how too. Renegade: Dune 2000, it would be cool af, to hear the sounds and be able to be the unit on the ground. have the 3 sides and 3 bases, 3 teams battling it out on maps for the Spice! I really think it would be really awesome and i know for a fact i would play it. I always liked Dune, watched the movie when I was a kid. upgrade your unit like you can in CNC: Renegde, Watch your vehicle get created from a 1st person or 3rd person view. watch the sandworms attack units outside the base and watch them attack the base, then the team has to go and defend them off. Add upgrades so you can put concrete down etc.
  2. I go on a couple other forums when I'm not on here like Command & Conquer Http://www.cncnet.org Command and Conquer Renegade http://rencorner.com/ Techtools http://www.techtools.me/forum/index.php Blizzhackers.cc is my 1st and original home forums I was abrcadet on here. I found this forum from some one on Diablo 2: LOD on USEAST. He told me about botting and hacks for the game and it was awesome. I dont remember who told me. But Thanks for them for spreading the word. If it wasn't for blizzhackers, I would be forum guy I found this forum searching on google for Tibsun Reborn mod for renegade.
  3. I made a topic yesterday asking for help with a micro sd card. did someone delete it???
  4. So i got a bigger capacity micro sd card for my phone to put music on it. I actually got a couple and was thinking they were bad. Everytime i try to transfer music to micro sd either via connecting my phone usb or taking the micro sd and putting it a sd expansion and using the sd card slot on my computer. Either way it corrupts on my micro sd card. The music plays fine and burns to a cd fine. . What's going on?
  5. i cant get on them and plus no one is on that or renalert...... is there server maintenance going on?
  6. and i got Renlist to work.
  7. yea it's a windows xp machine. this sucks. o well. looks like he wont be playing red alert APB on it :-P thanks tho.
  8. Guys, I can never get Renlist to work. It NEVER worked for me. I just use Rencorner and MPF forums to get the Ip addresses and use the Renegade Launcher http://cncnet.org/files/renlauncher.exe to connect. If you give me the Ip addresses and the ports I will jump on the regular Renegade Servers with you guys. i used to just get the ip addresses to Renegade games using this page https://cncnet.org/renegade-servers but it's been down lately and no one has fixed it yet even tho I brought it up to their attention plenty of times.
  9. On my other computer. I use the Hub Launcher to Download the games so my buddy can play too when he comes over. TS installed no problem. i tried multiple times to get Red Alert installed and it keep giving me Installation Failed. Is there a Direct Download link or a torrent link I can use to download it manually and install it?
  10. I'm new here to the site and the forum. I noticed there are not Renegade servers up anywhere due to a "hacker" DDOSing them. which isn't cool. So i remembered there is TS: Reborn And RenAlert aka Red Alert: A Path Beyond. SO i googled and ran across you guys and this site/forums/ So i am currently downloading and installing them. I cant wait to play. I spammed the site on two other forums to draw more people because I only saw that there were 3 people on TS and no one on Red Alert. here's the proof: http://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=5624.0 http://rencorner.com/index.php?/topic/9051-other-renegade-games/ You're welcome. i will post in Blizzhackers.cc also when their forums come back up. Idk if they are doing a maintenance check atm or what. Edit: I'm also gonna post on my facebook and Instagram too.
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