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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. According to the latest vote chart, it was expected really. The bad news is, it doesn't reveal treachery. The vote chart was based on everyone being truthful. If Irish isn't abolishment, then one of the abstainees may be.
  2. Yes, and your analysis indicated that Shade was a probable suspect. Yet you're not willing to vote for him?
  3. Your call. Like I said I don't think it (or you) are that dangerous. I don't mind passing it back, but not tonight.
  4. ##nominate Jeod I could use the crowbar to take the walkie easily, but it's a red action so would lower stability. I'd much prefer to go with the easy method.
  5. Currently the vault has a walkietalkie and the typewriter.
  6. So, with about 45 minutes to go: 1) Shade and Sunflower are tied for investigation 2) KY is in the lead for nomination 3) Economic reform looks to be the winner
  7. Others will give their opinions, and I doubt they'll be much different than mine. But with me being a doctor, and you alluding to it or something similar, I don't know how you didn't see this coming.
  8. You should probably start being a lot more blunt and far less cryptic. ##investigate Shade939
  9. I realize that, but how do you know there's only one? And if there is, why do you want it so badly?
  10. By the way, I still want to have the walkie eventually. I'm most curious about its abilities and who holds its twin. If someone wants to nominate me for the vault, I'm happy to pass my crowbar along--even back to the vault for safekeeping.
  11. KY claimed rolecop and said shade had immunity. Shade confirmed it, which tells me KY is being honest.
  12. There's still quite a few hours left in the day, but @TheIrishman seems to have vanished. As he's the only outlier if we assume honesty in others, then he's the most likely to be RSQ and perhaps syndicate. He also declined to back Category 5, which fuels this suspicion even more. ##investigate TheIrishMan ##reform Economic ##nominate Killing_You
  13. Theory: Irish abstained, and we have one liar in the votes.
  14. And, if Irish did vote SPL as per the plan, and FRAYDO voted RSQ, then there would still need to be one more RSQ vote.
  15. Ok, corrected version. If we assume that KY, the claimed rolecop, followed the plan, and if we assume honesty from the other claims, then that leaves Irish as the RSQ. The only alternative to it is that an abstainee is lying. I would suspect FRAYDO if this were the case.
  16. Or Irish. His vote has yet to be accounted for. It's only an assumption.
  17. What did you vote then? It couldn't have been SPL if you're accusing KY of being radical.
  18. If we do assume Snipe went with the plan, then a tie would have been caused if they both voted RSQ. This particular setup is incorrect.
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