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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. For the record, I do not intend to protect Shade tonight. If Irish isn't the last killer remaining I blame him for fudging the day up.
  2. I did get what I wanted with it, so I don't see a reason not to pass it. Sure, you could steal the gun back, but if the others are dumb enough to let you know who has it, it's on them. ##nominate Sunflower
  3. Wrong. You're way off your usual game which is why I've put you up as a good option for investigation. I voted radical status quo on the first night. That's it. The second time was where I said I voted RSQ, but actually used the crowbar to take the evidence key from the vault. You clearly didn't read that bit. And the reason I took it was because I think it's going to be necessary for us to win. Orange had yet to use it or mention using it to the point where I started to suspect him.
  4. I hope you mean shade. I’d have spent the phase setting up an argument for vault access if I wanted the gun.
  5. Straight how? In case you haven't noticed, Shade isn't saying that Irish isn't scum and I am. He's saying that I'm a higher priority than a player with a kill action. That's admission that I'm not scum and he knows it. His play is to a secondary objective. There's literally no other motive for investigating me.
  6. I'm pretty sure Shade just has a secondary objective to fulfill and he'll risk the rest of us losing the game for it. Irish is the go-to for investigating today due to ##kill, but Shade would then receive a gun. Retaliation can use the cane to prevent that if he wants. Category 5 is a secondary investigation target since we know nothing more about him. I'm a waste of time. The choice is ultimately yours.
  7. So shade gets vault access but Irish keeps his gun and shoots shade tomorrow, and then whatever he took goes right back to the vault. That’s productive.
  8. Siege has a blind spot near the Allied APP where Silverlight can go "lolteamwork" and get 5 Soviets inside within the first 3 minutes of a game. Please construst additional AA guns for protection against this cheese.
  9. Anyway, that whole spat is why I feel comfortable calling your nationality into question. It's unprovable until you're investigated, which can line up well with my unprovable doctor ability (until Orange sees me using it as well). If you want to get me investigated, you're going to need a different angle. I doubt there is one--I feel I've done a fine job explaining my decisions and intentions.
  10. Stop asking others to fight your battles for you. Because how does having an Austrian royal house member as a Polish monarch divide the empire? If anything it strengthens Austria.
  11. Your problem here is that you have no follow-through. You're essentially saying "you're wrong" without backing anything up, and you expect to have immediate trust because of KY's objective,
  12. 1) It's not even one of my objectives for this game, just a hint that gave me pause 2) We're in Austria, buddy. Not Poland.
  13. If you thought that Orange was a monarch, pray tell me which monarch since you're supposed to be the one and only Austrian Kaiser.
  14. What does that have to do with you? "He's Austrian so that nationality exists, therefore I must be Austrian"? No.
  15. Lore-wise, however, I haven't the foggiest idea if it would make sense for an Illyrian to want to kill a Polish monarch. That's something Orange would have to explain to me I suppose.
  16. Frankly speaking, my initial game PM states that, although it's not one of my solid objectives for this game, it would be nice to be able to secure support for an Austrian Prince for the Polish throne, leading to Galician unification with Poland. "Alas, it seems but a pipe dream at the moment." Does it make sense now why I question your authenticity as an Austrian monarch? There's no definitive proof to tell me that you're Austrian, and due to that note in my PM, I can reasonably wonder if you're a Pretender Monarch.
  17. This does appear to point toward you being Austrian, true, however I'm not content to call it decisive. How have you tried to prove the masonry? And, proving the masonry with FRAYDO doesn't tell us why you wanted the walkietalkie.
  18. Yet you also can't prove that you were in a masonry with FRAYDO, and have elected to ignore my question of why you wanted the walkietalkie masonry item when you were already in one. How can we be sure you're a pro-empire monarch?
  19. Do you have any proof besides KY's objective? Poland is also a monarchy in the Kaiserreich.
  20. Well, Orange could check his N1 PM and see if there were any notes of my visit, but other than that no. Think about what you're asking.
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