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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Caught him on Discord, work got busy for him. Working out a plan.
  2. I was thinking the same. Just because a loophole does exist doesn't mean we should assume it would be exploited. I like to think the players we have here are beyond such things.
  3. I think this is the best course of action. I will not, however, grant FRAYDO a victory point if rng gives him a win. I don't want players "feeling lucky" and going afk when they should be battling. FRAYDO still has an hour and 15 minutes to show up.
  4. Quite the conundrum, isn't it? I'd do it case-by-case, but I'll consider each possible course of action over the next few hours while waiting for FRAYDO.
  5. Which is precisely why I think the alternative is fair. One of his roster is revealed and loses half its HP, and his opponent doesn't get a free victory because I move to the runner-up challenger. Everyone here knew when they signed up that they would need to be around for the battle phase. There isn't an overwhelming excuse for those that can't make it and didn't say so beforehand.
  6. Alternatively, I could give him a 2 hour window (from hammer), and if he doesn't show, I penalize him by cutting his Pokemon's HP in half and swap the challenger to the runner-up--Shade, in this case.
  7. I could, but that would still give him the chance to win without having to participate. That's not fair to Sunflower.
  8. @FRAYDO has 2 hours and 20 minutes to make a move.
  9. RULES OF THE MATCH: This match is a 1-on-1. Spectators may comment, but try not to spam. I will resolve a turn as soon as I see both moves have been taken. If either battle participant does not make a move within 3 hours of their last move, they will forfeit the match. Good luck! FRAYDO sent out Gastly (30 HP)! Sunflower sent out Dratini (41 HP)! Battle participants may now post their moves.
  10. When you lose a battle I'm gonna go hard about you skipping leg day.
  11. Joke's on you, I made a bot script to post CvCs for me. I'll make a shitposting module for it someday.
  12. Hammer is in ~23 hours. No votes yet.
  13. Unless it’s a double battle, where votes decide the teams for the battle.
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