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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I'm planning a PokeMafia game, using elements from Star Wars Mafia, to begin near the end of August or the start of September. Sign-up and start date range will be between August 20 - September 8.
  2. Nodlied said he'd need to find a replacement for me and he went to bed, so that's not happening any time soon. Therefore, ##unvote all Figure this out for yourselves. Cya.
  3. No. Fuck you. Fuck you and your pathetic little remarks. I'm the only one who's been working to solve this game before the endgame of status quo v. pluralism and I've spent the entire game being harassed by both sides just for doing the work they're supposed to be doing. I'm done. The game is no longer fun to play.
  4. Then you can get fucked too. I hold most of the items and status quo has the gun, and yet you're still acting like an autist.
  5. I told you time and time again that my goal was to get the evidence key to get information on how to win the game. I told you time and time again that I would use it to check Category 5, our remaining mystery excluding Shade. I told you, with a solid case, that Cat5 likely was able to appear as other players on reports--explaining why you, @TheIrishman, got seen as using ##kill by OrangeP47. You're blind as a bat and you can figure out the game on your own.
  6. @Sunflower, Category 5 is going to be investigated today. If he's our last killer, we'll get him. If he isn't, then all the NK threats are gone and we're in the endgame of status quo vs. pluralism. Given what these guys have been suggesting out loud, I think if you have the gun it's time to consider our victory conditions.
  7. Consider it my final warning then. Unless you want to be staring down the barrel of a gun, stop behaving like the enemy.
  8. I know your endgame here, Retaliation. You know that status quo at the moment has more numbers, and so your goal is to eliminate one or more of us. Irish would have voted SQ, so it was a plus to investigate him--and you could roleblock me to keep me from voting, and the gun was the cherry on top. But you're ignoring the risk that we're still under a threat from abolishment or other third party, a mistake that will cost you dearly as you continue to alienate those SQ players willing to work with Pluralists.
  9. If I'd kept that vote I would have been investigated. Retaliation and Shade are only concerned about the gun. They had a hunch Irish wasn't scum.
  10. Been saying this since the day ended yesterday. Retaliation you're obviously not willing to be a part of the team effort here. We still know nothing about Shade despite our attempts to check on him. Everything has been done except for investigation. ##nominate Sunflower
  11. Well, hopefully sunflower took the gun so she can shoot cat5. I’m still thinking he’s got some sort of future tech that lets him pose as other players when he makes his kills. Thus allowing the case pushing and framing.
  12. So orange, did you search cat5? Please tell me someone besides me was smart enough to check him out. Retaliation already proved to be a bit dumb.
  13. I wonder if stealing takes precedence over blocking. If you’re going to continue to be anti-empire, I’ll have to test that theory.
  14. ##investigate category 5 I got blocked thanks to Retaliation. Because of that I couldn’t check cat5’s items. Thanks buddy. No crowbar for you.
  15. Protect against cheese > Bases defended too well Alternative to anothr AA gun, placing a pillbox at the back entrance to the APP would work well.
  16. Final night post: I believe Category 5 has spun his story around and that he has the ability to take on the form of other players when performing actions.
  17. A third eye on the evidence base to confirm the log as Orange and FRAYDO had said: I'd suspect Category 5 for tomorrow. Sunflower, the medkit apparently is a daytime bulletproof vest. I think that's what he said.
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