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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Ok, as in the OP, the formula for stat modifiers is Base * 1.5 - Base. So in this case you have Squirtle's defense stat. (65 * 1.5 - 65) = 33 (round up). 65 + 33 is 98. So your new Defense stat is 98. It's been edited. Since Bite is the better move, I'll assume you use it in Round 2.
  2. Correct. It's already caught and fixed. Isn't math fun? Obviously I'll be double checking everything in the true game. It's almost daystart for the ongoing game so I rushed a bit here.
  3. Here's Squirtle's stats. HP, Atk, Def, Speed, and Special. And here's our damage formula. Now, your attacks. Bite has a power of 60 and is a physical attack, and water gun has a power of 40 but is a special attack. Let's plug in those numbers. (((2.4 * 60 * 48/65) /50) +2) = 4 (((2.4* 40 * 50/65) /50) +2 = 3 But wait, we still need to add the modifier. You both got critical hits, but water gun is the only move that gets STAB. However, Bite gets a 1 for Type since it's a normal-type attacking move. (1 + 1) * 1 = 2 (1 + 1.5) * 0.5 = 1.25 Plug that into the above and you get.. Bite = 4 * 2 = 8 Water Gun = 3 * 1.25 = 3.75 We round the numbers and your damage both come out to 4. In my previous calculation, I'd left Type at 1 for both. That error is why we calculated 8 for both.
  4. Ok, pause for the first bit. I'll walk you through the calculation.
  5. Correct. I've updated the first calculation. This is why I wanted to do a practice run and also why I made the formula public. Choose new moves or keep the same, up to you.
  6. That should be by attack, shouldn't it. I'll recalculate Bite since it's a Normal type move.
  7. Well, Bite is a physical attack and water gun is a special attack. Squirtle's physical base stat is 48 and his special is 50. Bite has a power of 60 though, where water gun has a power of 40. Plug in the numbers and Bite is the better option.
  8. Pokemon have same speed stat. Flipping coin. Shade939 goes first! Shade939's Squirtle used Bite! A critical hit! OrangeP47's Squirtle took 8 DMG...(36HP remaining) OrangeP47's Squirtle used Water Gun! A critical hit! Shade939's Squirtle took 4 DMG...(40HP remaining)
  9. Shade939 sent out Squirtle! OrangeP47 sent out Squirtle!
  10. Yeppers. You'll each choose from Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Duplicates are ok. I'll give each a random moveset from the pool.
  11. By the way, are you @Shade939 and @OrangeP47 willing to do a practice battle? I'd prefer to do it while the ongoing game is in night phase so it's not interrupting anything.
  12. A 'stolen' Pokemon simply means it can't be healed. It's still a part of your roster when it comes to calculating player elimination.
  13. Also, the battle phase rules have changed. This change is reflected in the OP.
  14. Oh I haven't, don't worry. Those two actions are what I consider basic actions, known to all for balance purposes.
  15. Again? I lose track when I'm not playing. Anyway, there's your CvC.
  16. Clarification on healing Pokemon: Healing exists as a sort of cop mechanic since there are no cop-like actions in the Rest Phase. Team Rocket roles cannot heal their Pokemon. However, Trainers can after a requirement: they must not battle in the next battle phase and must decide to use a Rest Action to heal. Heal <Pokemon> (1 Pokecoin) - Heal your fainted Pokemon. This action can only be used if you have not participated in the previous battle phase. Consequently, you can expect Team Rocket players to be able to block a healing action. This is to prevent town from playing 'battle roulette' to stay above the Rockets. Steal <Player> <Pokemon> (1 Victory Point) - Steal a player's fainted Pokemon, removing it from the game. This action can only be used if you have a victory point (it will be taken from one of your own Pokemon).
  17. The following has been added to the Type calculations for clarity: o Dual-Typing is used, so the Type modifier is calculated by running the first type through the chart, and then the second, and then using Effectiveness 1 * Effectiveness 2. Ex: A Fire type move hits a Water/Ice type Pokemon. Fire is 1/2x against Water and 2x against Ice, so the difference is 1x.
  18. For ease of access due to fixes in the type chart (see type chart notes in Battle Phase - Stats section), here's the new type chart graphic:
  19. Updates to the following: Evolution Phase The winning Pokemon will gain a victory point. If the Pokemon has enough victory points at this phase to evolve, then it will and a mod-announced evolution will occur. On evolution, the Pokemon’s owner will receive a PM with the updated stats as well as potential moves a Pokemon wants to learn as a result of evolving, which the player can respond to. Eevee Factor or Multiple Evolution Paths There are no evolution stones in this game (yet), so in the case of Eevee, the player will need to send a PM to request what evolution path is taken.
  20. PokeMafia Game Rules This initial ruleset is designed around Generation I. Therefore, Generation I battle rules and damage calculations are used. Pokemon may be selected from #1-151, minus legendaries and mythicals. In this case, players may not select Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, or Mew. Pregame Players will be assigned their role of either Trainer or Team Rocket. They will be asked to choose six Pokemon from the list of Base Forms. Movesets will be randomly assigned based on which moves their Pokemon can learn, but all players will start the game with two TMs from a list of TMs compatible with their roster. Of the Team Rocket members, one may be a Boss and if there are more than two, another may be an Admin. Boss Rocket and Admin Rocket may select one Evolved Pokemon to make up their party of six. *Note on evolution: Base Tier Pokemon all need 2 Victory Points (VP) to evolve, and Tier 1 Pokemon all need 3 VP to evolve. Discussion Phase Trainers and Rockets will discuss and vote on who they think is a Trainer and who they think is Team Rocket. At the end of the discussion phase, the selected players move to the Battle Phase. Double battles will take place on even cycles. The top two players from each vote category will be selected for the battle phase in this case. Battle Phase - Rules During the battle phase, players will use their primary Pokémon to battle (at the start of the game, the first Pokémon on your roster is primary). In double battles, the top two players on each voted side will battle (but, a player voted top on one side cannot battle for the other side, in which case the next ranked player will battle). Players will submit their turns in the game thread in the form of moves. To retain the element of surprise, players can submit their moves as the numbers from their roster. Of course, using the move name itself is just as valid. In double battles, submit a target along with your move. After all players have submitted their turns, the GM will calculate damage (damage calculation info is in the OP). In some cases, items can be used instead of moves. To use an item, simply post it instead of a move when you make your turn post. There are a variety of items; all are found in “prize boxes” won at the end of a battle. Each participating player will get a prize box, but the victor(s) of a battle will receive a bonus prize as well. Winning a battle guarantees 1 victory point for your primary Pokémon, 1 Pokecoin from your opponent, a prize box, and a bonus prize. If you lose a battle, your primary Pokémon will faint! A fainted Pokémon cannot be used in battle, and if half of your roster faints, you will be eliminated from the game and your role will be revealed in the thread! Battle Phase – Stats Pokemon have the following stats: HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special. All participants during the battle phase can post their turn, there is no need to wait for the opponent to move first. To remove the chance of exploiting priority moves like Quick Attack and Counter, players are asked to post Move 1-4 instead of the name of their move. After both players have posted, the GM will calculate damage. Speed stat will tell us which Pokemon makes the first move. Damage will always be rounded down. The damage formula is as follows: (((2.4 * Power * Atk or Spec/Def) / 50) + 2) * Modifier · Where Power is a move-specific stat (see Attackdex) · Where Modifier is = (Crit(0,1) + STAB) * Type o STAB is Same-Type-Attack-Bonus (1.5 if true, 1 otherwise) o Type follows the type chart (see Type Chart) Note: Ghost type moves are fixed to be 2x effective against Psychic types Note: Bug type moves are fixed to be 1/2x effective against Poison types Note: Poison type moves are fixed to be 1x effective against Bug types Note: Ice type moves are fixed to be 1/2x effective against Fire types Stat modifying moves like Agility function differently from the core series. They all retain their use limit (example: Agility can be used 3 times), but they all multiply the respective stat by Base / 2 each time rather than the traditional ‘stages’. For example, if Speed is initially 20, using Agility will raise the Speed stat to 30, 40, and 50 (20/2 = 10). Stats reset to Base after each battle. Battle Phase – Progress Blocks There may be instances where players can’t win. For example, a Ghost-type Pokemon with only ghost-type moves will be unable to damage a Normal-type Pokemon. The GM will try to prevent this with proper move distribution, but players can still back themselves into a corner via TMs. In the event one Pokemon can’t hurt another, the move Struggle will be used. Evolution Phase The winning Pokemon will gain a victory point. If the Pokemon has enough victory points at this phase to evolve, then it will and a mod-announced evolution will occur. Rest Phase - *Rocket players may have other rest actions available to them! All players will begin each Rest Phase with 2 Pokecoins unless they won or lost a battle. Each action during this phase will have a Pokecoin cost. Primary <Pokemon> (0 Pokecoins) – Select a primary Pokemon from your roster to battle with in the next battle phase should you be selected. Train <Pokemon> (1 Pokecoin) – Train with your Pokemon, granting it the equivalent of 1 victory point. If this Training action should help the Pokemon meet the evolution requirements, it will evolve without a mod-announced evolution. TMXX <Pokemon> <Forget Move> (1 Pokecoin) – Teach your Pokemon a new move, forgetting an old one. (i.e. TM06 Bulbasaur Absorb will replace Bulbasaur’s Absorb with Toxic) Shuffle <Pokemon> (1 Pokecoin) – Shuffle your Pokemon’s moves around. Useful if you have a priority move that you want to keep hidden. Scout <player> (1 Pokecoin) – Scout a player while they rest. See one of their Pokemon. Reference Guides TMs/HMs List – Generation I Attackdex – Generation I Pokedex – Generation I (find your Pokemon to see possible moves it can learn) Type Chart (use Generation I) Available Starting Pokemon Signed Players [Minimum 8] OrangeP47 Killing_You Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane *If you sign up, please send me a PM with your choice of six Pokemon, and a choice of one evolved Pokemon in case you're assigned a Boss or Admin Team Rocket role. *I'm still tweaking things to ensure a successful game. I'll be taking feedback and may change rules based on feedback or other potential problems I notice in the time before the game starts. I will post updates to rules any time something changes and will note why. *If the game is successful, I'll release a GM-Pack for this type of game so it can be run by other GMs. This includes a calculator I made to make battle phases easier: *The game is projected to start sometime between August 19 and September 8. I may request a co-GM if real-life situation demands it. Battle 1: Sunflower vs. FRAYDO Battle 2: Sunflower & Shade939 vs. Category 5 & TheIrishMan Battle 3: OrangeP47 vs. Killing_You Battle 4: Category 5 vs. Sunflower: Battle 5: OrangeP47 & Sunflower vs. Shade939 & Killing_You: Battle 6: TheIrishMan & Sunflower vs. Shade939 & OrangeP47: Battle 7: Killing_You vs. OrangeP47 Battle 8: TheIrishMan & Category 5 vs. Killing_You & OrangeP47 Documents: Rocket Doc Game Data PokeMafia Calculator Gen1 Endgame Post
  21. Trainers vs. Team Rocket. Pick a team of 6 from the first generation (no legendaries) and battle 1v1 at the end of each discussion phase.
  22. Off the bat I think the fds-engine relationship has a limitation, pretty sure it can't change a map after the score screen appears. Could be wrong though.
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