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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. We have our own offices so he isn't actually bothering anyone. It's also quite odorless, unlike tobacco. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Louis iLikeToSnipe Mojoman Louis ChopBam Louis Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe
  2. Also being in charge of creating the computer images that get installed to new hire machines allows me to hide scripts in the startup folder. Scripts like ones that only appear on certain dates...
  3. So my coworker vapes and has some neat USB vape thing attached to his computer.
  4. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Louis iLikeToSnipe Mojoman ChopBam Louis Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe
  5. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You iLikeToSnipe iLikeToSnipe Mojoman ChopBam Louis Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe
  6. Spoiler alert: inhaling Louis does nothing as she has no items. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You iLikeToSnipe iLikeToSnipe Mojoman ChopBam iLikeToSnipe Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe
  7. I might be a bit busy tonight right after I get home, but I will not count any votes past 6PM EDT anyway.
  8. Your job is to entertain me and the dead ones.
  9. You guys aren't talking much anymore. :[
  10. Anyway I haven't noticed any votes yet, so no cvc and thus no timer update.
  11. Day started yesterday, hammer is tomorrow.
  12. Why does this sound like a sexual innuendo?
  13. DAY FIVE Nobody died last night! PLAYER VOTE Killing_You iLikeToSnipe Mojoman ChopBam Louis FRAYDO
  14. Mind your nightposts. Also here is a fresh meme for some of you to stash away for the opportune moment.
  15. Category 5 Hurricane is on the chopping block today. His character was Edelgard von Hresvelg (Dancer class)....and...Town! NIGHT FOUR Send in your PMs. Since it's a weekday again, the deadline will be two hours before hammer.
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