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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I don't mind linking to specific posts from previous games--just keep in mind that different games mean different mechanics so shouldn't really be used as a primary basis in arguments.
  2. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Category 5 iLikeToSnipe Mojoman ChopBam Louis FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane
  3. Honestly it would have fit much better if Shade ended up killing himself.
  4. Serious question: did anyone actually click on the Lucario description image and read it?
  5. iLikeToSnipe inhales everything around Louis! However, Louis did not have any items to inhale.
  6. FRAYDO aims his hook at Louis and throws! But it misses the target!
  7. I wonder if he only reads mafia games because staff and tester avatars change for them and he wants context....
  8. ChopBam hops on his warp star and nopes on out of there! He can't be targeted or lynched today! The warp star will be given to another player during the next night phase. Nope.
  9. DAY FOUR Shade939 was killed last night! He was Lucario and Town! The following is the description in the form of an image (view full size): Day 4 ends in 48 hours.
  10. All PMs have been sent. Will start the day at the next hour.
  11. Looks like our final CvC is...Nodlied! Time to pay your dues, buddy. Nodlied was Wario and Third Party! Who invited this guy anyway? NIGHT THREE Try to get your actions in on time. You have 24 hours. Since it's the weekend, I can extend the PM deadline to an hour before hammer.
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