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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Back to chamber dungeons, see you guys in 3 hours.
  2. Nodlied attempts to vote NoLynch but slips on a banana peel and votes for FRAYDO! He lets a loud one rip on Killing_You! The smell is so bad that Killing_You can't focus and votes with Nodlied! Donkey Kong doesn't like the smell! He goes home and takes his bananas with him.
  3. ChopBam aims for Mojoman with his inhale, but Mojoman has no items to lose!
  4. FRAYDO attempts to throw his grappling hook at Mojoman, but he misses!
  5. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Category 5 [LOCKED] iLikeToSnipe Category 5 [LOCKED] Mojoman Category 5 [LOCKED] ChopBam NoLynch Louis Louis [LOCKED] FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe [LOCKED] Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied [LOCKED] Shade939 Shade939 [LOCKED] Nodlied
  6. Excessive voting with locked votes will result in self votes.
  7. @ChopBam and @Nodlied still have the chance to force a tie vote, so the day continues.
  8. Fixed cvc: PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Category 5 [LOCKED] iLikeToSnipe Category 5 [LOCKED] Mojoman Category 5 [LOCKED] ChopBam Louis Louis [LOCKED] FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe [LOCKED] Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied [LOCKED] Shade939 Shade939 [LOCKED] Nodlied
  9. Killing_You attempts to vote for iLikeToSnipe but slips on a banana peel and votes for Category 5 instead! Should have just kept your vote, maybe. DK wants to see some action!
  10. If a player gets votelocked into a majority, I will allow an early hammer.
  11. Mojoman attempts to vote for himself, but slips on a banana and votes for Category 5! PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Killing_You iLikeToSnipe Category 5 [LOCKED] Mojoman Category 5 [LOCKED] ChopBam Louis Louis [LOCKED] FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe [LOCKED] Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied [LOCKED] Shade939 Shade939 [LOCKED] Nodlied
  12. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Killing_You iLikeToSnipe Category 5 [LOCKED] Mojoman ChopBam Louis Louis [LOCKED] FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe [LOCKED] Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied [LOCKED] Shade939 Shade939 [LOCKED] Nodlied
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