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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. KY has an unverifyable night action, just saying. So do all of you really... I guess I should even include myself in that too...
  2. Nick Fury has an inherent awesomeness that grants him special privileges.
  3. I mean, it wouldn't have killed me anyway. I'd just fake my death.
  4. I mean, I'm not sure I believe you, but at the same time it does make me re-evaluate Irish again, he might be even more fishy than we've been thinking.
  5. Yeah, I'll admit, I'm distracted. First it was FM, now my TV's broke and I need to go get a new one tomorrow, so now not only am I distracted but I'm in a bad mood too.
  6. Who knows when she'll show up, you might as well just tell us so we can work on everything while you're away.
  7. BTW, while I'm cooperating, iLTS is currently pretty high up my PoE. I've not been really active because I just got back in to Football Manager and am rather distracted
  8. I've already said a lot of it, but the backup role I have is called Technological Solution. If someone visits me, then later dies, I get the option to inherit the ability they used on me. I can only pick once, once it's used it's gone forever. Unfortunately, it's been blocked most of the game, and I haven't had the option to use it. The other is Fake Death, which is my previously mentioned ability to come back the next day if lynched/day killed.
  9. You could like just drop the names and explain later
  10. This is like the man who refuses to name his killers when help arrives and dies giving a monologue...
  11. I don't think shooting Irish would really hurt us here
  12. I, did nothing, and nobody apparently has visited me (who's died at least). Louis, if you have a kill, might I recommend introducing Irish to the business end of it?
  13. Wow.... two kills... at this stage! That might mean we're at 3 v 2 v 1, and need to watch out particularly more than usual today!
  14. Wow guys, I trust you not to make a mess, and you somehow give us a three way tie, good job
  15. You know what? If a defense materializes, then I'll just be overruled, so I'll stick to voting Mojo. I think him and iLTS are not on the same team, so if we're wrong, just swing it back the other way. I entrust everyone to be able to get this together ##Vote MojoMan I have to go now and if you guys botch this I'm going to be severely disappointed.
  16. If you've been paying attention, I think everyone needs to hide this game
  17. If it makes you feel better I'll leave my vote on iLTS, and then the rest of you can decide what to do in the 3 hours I'll be gone.
  18. I don't think that mechanically that's alignment indicative.
  19. Does Irish actually know what it does?
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