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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Scum could have just killed Chopbam directly maybe. Way to make yourself the thief's number one target.
  2. You know who's been real quiet through all this... Irish...
  3. Go to the pokemon off topic thread and tell us if you've finished gen 5 yet
  4. I have one night hybrid action and a day passive.
  5. There's this handy skill in life called collecting your thoughts before posting
  6. I welcome it, now that I'm unblocked by the soul stone. He claimed lightning rod.
  7. I'll just say the more people investigate me the more helpful I can be.
  8. I'm known for talking prodigiously. I got this post count in record time. It's kind of my thing regardless of alignment. And I can't do much else because the soul stone was blocking me. And some other reasons, but mainly that.
  9. Well yes, everyone has pros and cons.
  10. I'm not technically lynch proof, but if day killed/lynched I just come back the next day.
  11. Or other forces we don't know about are at work... this seems like a really complicated game.... I was actually going to originally pass to Louis though, as she knows Cat 5 in person and could maybe combo with him well, but backed off of that in favor of Shade.
  12. That was a joke at Shade's expense. I mean Cat 5 really did say something like "of course you choose to subject me to Shade", but the point is more that Shade's reputation precedes him.
  13. Cat 5 had quite the reaction when I told him who I planned to send it to
  14. But he got it. He confirms he has it. That means no redirect shenanigans happened on me...
  15. And honestly I forgot Shade didn't have a night action anymore (and when I did remember it, I wasn't so sure it was the truth), so I didn't really intend to block his voting, but given his stability or lack thereof, I'd argue it's not the worst outcome
  16. While Shade's judgement is questionable, I figured since he IS confirmed town, no matter how unfortunate that is, I'd pass it to him. Sure, it might get mishandled later, but it wouldn't be ME mishandling it, so it wouldn't be my fault, it would be Shade's fault.
  17. Yeah I passed the soul stone to Shade.
  18. I didn't target Irish either. I didn't use an actual night action, I just passed a stone.
  19. Hold on buddy, somebody can clear me.
  20. Well, aside from the fact that I didn't do the night kill, I got confirmation of passing a stone to someone who is NOT Chopbam, and that person should know it too...
  21. Wait, so you're saying the person you targeted did the nightkill?!?!
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