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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. The "you" was referring to Irish if hypothetically collecting them all was his goal, not you you.
  2. If you're collecting them it allows you to collect them safely.
  3. You can just let the stone sit in your inventory safely.
  4. The question was asked, but there was no answer, so I assume we're just going to have to find out... which is fair enough from a game design perspective.
  5. I guess by addendum you shouldn't pass a stone to Irish.... wait.... actually didn't Shade say he did that... I forgot... well damn....
  6. Not if people actively passed you some by chance (or by design).
  7. My basic mindset is this: It's safe to talk about a stone's action after you've done it, but you should NOT say who you gave it to. As far as I know Shade didn't say who he passed his to, so we should be good.
  8. You arguing for a LESS complicated approach, that's a first
  9. BTW, just noticed, but Cat 5 changed his avatar...
  10. I mean theoretically it could be good, who knows But it'd be a big gamble to trust a neutral/TP with that
  11. I mean, my assumption is that once they're all collected, some kind of "super action" takes place that is bad.
  12. But if you don't use, and just hold on to them...
  13. This is why I don't actually mind FRAYDO just blocking Irish all the time.
  14. Look at the objectives in the first post. Town must eliminate all hostiles. Mafia must equal or exceed town. I'd wager good money that neutral/TP has the objective to collect all the infinity stones, so we should be VERY concerned about a thief.
  15. I like ILTS because he claims his info points to there being an item thief, something that I postulated by myself. What I don't like is that this angle is being ignored.
  16. I'm eating lunch so can't comment, but you SHOULD be suspicious of me. You should be suspicious of everyone.
  17. I'd probably make the same call if this was hammer, but hopefully further interaction today can provide more insight. Though that said, I might be gone for hammer today. I'll be around like up to 30 minutes before hammer, but then might have to leave, so I'll still be here for EoD discussion hopefully. (And I might even still be around for hammer, it's hard to say)
  18. Yeah, though 11 is more than we usually have, so it's easier to blend in. I guess even though Louis and Brigitte are what I think of as "low posters" right now, they've done enough to stand out. Well, just the Irish push I guess, which actually would look pretty good for them... if Irish was actually scum... but neutral/TP scum could push them too. Chop/Mojo has just been more plain invisible.
  19. I'm famously pretty bad until I have my caffeine no matter what I am.
  20. Anywho, back to this. My read on Mojo is still the same as yesterday. I didn't like that neutral claim, but was willing to give him a chance. That said, if Irish is neutral/TP, that makes the likelyhood of Mojo being one of those go down... but like I said yesterday it could be some kind of tell between partners that aren't in communication or something. As for Chop, I believe he did actually ability claim (and again I'll rant that may be ill advised....), but beyond that hasn't done much. I'll second the call for more activity. I guess we really should just ask EVERYONE to reads list at this point.
  21. I have the same experience as anybody, though Irish could probably speak more about Louis as he recruited her, but from what I've seen, they're both kind of aggressive players, and them both attacking Irish D1 seems to fit the bill for that, so there's nothing out of the ordinary IMO. That doesn't mean they can't be scum, just that they haven't done any scum tells *yet*.
  22. I posted right after I woke up... I forgot they were playing, doh!
  23. To add on even more, we know what Shade thinks of ILTS. We know what I think of ILTS. We don't know what most everyone else thinks of ILTS. That would be really helpful right about now.
  24. You know, while I hate to say it, ILTS is actually on the scummier end of my reads, even if I'm not particularly enthusiastic about him. Everything he's done makes sense, he just doesn't have any actual backing like whatever this FRAYDO-KY thing is.... Other alternatives are the low posters Brigitte and Louis... But I don't think either of them are very attractive options either. (If you can't tell, this is the signal that we need to start getting our lynch in order, before we run out of time)
  25. I have a plan, one I can't talk about right now, but I will be able to, soon. I know that's not satisfying, but on the bright side, there's nothing you can do to stop me from executing my plan, so I can be passive-aggressive about it all I want
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