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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. He made a chart, guess he's town! /s
  2. The other point is fair, but I don't think that's how stealing would work, plus we do know the names, just not what abilities go with them.
  3. I mean, it would only help focus our speculation about the stones in general. It'd be one less we had to wonder about.
  4. Which stone was it, so we can keep track
  5. Why didn't you just say so, that would have made a lot of us believe you more
  6. Three is more than two, you're speeding, and should go to jail
  7. ILTS just counted it out for you, that's three!
  8. Didn't Jeod say everyone would have 2 abilities max?
  9. Yeah I had things to do today but now I'm busy arguing on the internet
  10. I mean, we know from when you were Frankenstein, you're capable of quite the impressive BS, you could still be trying to gambit or something, though if you were I don't think you'd be this tunnel on ILTS.
  11. TBH the more concerning thing is Shade apparently can't control who he stole it from, but he's town confirmed, so...
  12. It's CYOR, there's probably more options than that.
  13. I have no idea how it functions but if ILTS told me then I would
  14. If the full details of such an ability are made known publicly, surely then a thief could just dodge it.
  15. I mean, given that the stones had been actively discussed, I thought it was pretty clear that's what everyone was referencing. It's most certainly what *I* was referencing.
  16. Given you're apparently an ability thief, I'd say it's possible there are TWO thieves total
  17. I'll start by saying yes, he hasn't cleared himself, but IMO he's acted pretty towny in general.
  18. I'm more concerned about future nights, because that sounds like a pretty strong defense against any night actions being done against scum.
  19. This is actual steal right, not duping?
  20. I don't vote no lynch D1 I just don't vote at all, which I did this time
  21. Yeah, and to be fair, without trying to toot my horn too much, you should always be suspicious of me. Everyone else is, and for good reason, even if that means lately I've been getting a lot of undeserved pressure really cramping my town game.
  22. Thanks for the vote of confidence, but what about the others, heh. I mean, read lists are fun! It's an excuse to use the color coded text feature of the forum.
  23. You could make a reads list, which wouldn't necessarily reveal anything to scum that we don't want them to know, but it would also let us know where you personally stand, so we can draw associations etc.
  24. I mean, for all we know you're still dangerous, there's just nothing we can do about it lynch wise.
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