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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean though, I do have a night action which I was specifically told was not in play, which is kind of lame given it's exact nature, though I don't want to reveal that just yet.
  2. Or it could have been edited, after pokemafia I know that's a thing.
  3. Actually, on third inspection.... it does say what Shade says.... I guess, maybe I just didn't pay attention because I got the reminder...
  4. Checking my PM, it did NOT say this. Jeod then added on later, in a very causal manner something to the effect that my night action was blocked, and it was the price for wielding the soul stone. I don't want to quote for fear of running afoul of the rules. My guess is he amended it later to actually say it in the stone description.
  5. He could vote after being town confirmed though, so it's the stone blocking his vote.
  6. I'm guessing all actions, or else it wouldn't have to block Shade's vote as overkill for having no actions. It blocked my night action which is currently a passive so it's pretty strong. I mean I guess the argument can be made it doesn't block the nightkill, but I wouldn't know.
  7. It's on netflix (for now), so I can just get around to it whenever though. Soul stone was blocking me both nights. Shade can confirm.
  8. Incredibles was such a good movie... I still gotta get around to watching 2.
  9. Indeed, and Jeod even said multiple people can all be Thanos if they want, but I also just think it's such an obvious choice that nobody went for it because we all want to be unique.
  10. Well true, but I meant more that if Thanos is about his abilities might not be obvious or obviously named, and he may have secondaries. If you find themeing for a different character, yeah, fair enough, but I'd argue we don't know what Thanos is packing. I'm kind of of the opinion that Thanos isn't in the game, and if we have a collector it's someone else.
  11. Eh I'm not so sure about that, but I don't really have any traction to argue otherwise.
  12. It's my turn to need caffeine, but could you rephrase this? I'm having a derp and don't quite get it.
  13. I like how it says Refinery. But that said maybe the dead are just as clueless as we are
  14. I have no idea. He said none of his reads were that good... though I guess the whole reason he chimed in via soul stone was to save Mojo, so maybe Mojo?
  15. I mean, it's a big part of the argument against me, so you can bet I pay attention to it
  16. Again, she claims that was redirected to Chop.
  17. It was D2 and he contacted me I get the distinct impression he wanted to contact someone else, which deeply wounds me But no, I was actually kind of excited D1 thinking Irish would die and I can contact him and then pass the stone to Louis so she can talk to him too and "make up" after that aggressive opening But then he had to go and not die, leaving me holding the stone with no targets and blocked
  18. Part of me thinks Cat 5 knows who. I can't escape the feeling that Dr. Strange starting with it is just fitting, and him saying that wasn't the stone he started with was just because he didn't trust me. Granted, that's not a knock against Cat 5. D1 it's hard to make reads, so who knows who he passed to. Or maybe being NKed does yoink your stone before you can pass, who knows.
  19. I think we ALL need some caffeine this morning.
  20. She claimed she tried to give it to Irish but it went to Chopbam.
  21. Someone should have picked Howard the Duck.
  22. You're doing it wrong if you don't get 2%.
  23. But in all seriousness I'd wager that too.
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