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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Game End Theirishman walks out into the conference room with his hands up. He's turning himself in! He was Gym Leader Blaine, and he was MAFIA! The survivors are as follows: Catagory 5 Hurricane - Day Care Man Retaliation - Gym Leader Lt. Surge Shade939 - Nurse Joy Links to Docs: Scum Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gv447cwGv2UlOA7i9LBIKjx7dnz1VEMDAn0MHzZShEw/edit Dead Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iG9cRKtQUVOp3iPkzzq5-nlJ7rJknDAfwsQcoQbhW-g/edit Radio Show - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D0CuThmqVyg-lDJva9mkJM0Ewy9k1ZHCqVpNunQanmQ/edit Thoughts and awards post will follow.
  2. Team Rocket Has Surrendered, Please Stand By.
  3. I'm going to bed, but I'll leave the nightlight plugged in for anyone who needs to do any late night PMs
  4. Given we went 6-7 rounds, it's a bit less RNGesued, and not back to back or anything.
  5. Official night start, only 2 posts from this point out, combatants stand by for PMs.
  6. Ho-oh used Sunny Day, the sun came out! Vaporeon used surf. Critical hit! For 119 damage, Ho-oh faints!
  7. Yeah, but going back and doing it wouldn't have killed him, and it would have just been healed by full restore.
  8. The sunlight fades! Vaporeon is fully healed! (forgot to subtract burn damage, but it doesn't matter) Ho-oh uses return, it does 86 damage, for 119/205 hp left.
  9. Ho-oh uses sacred fire, vaporeon is burned and takes 69 damage, for 67/205 hp left Vaporeon uses surf for 59 damage, leaving ho-oh at 63/181.
  10. Irish uses hyper potion, healing Ho-oh to 181/181 Vaporeon uses surf, bringing Ho-oh to 122/181.
  11. Irish uses hyper potion, healing Ho-oh to 181. Vaporeon uses Surf, it critical hits, for 119 damage, bringing Ho-oh to 62/181.
  12. Ho-oh uses sacred fire, it does 69 damage, bringing vaporeon to 136/205. Vaporeon used surf, it does 59 damage, bringing Ho-oh to 63/181.
  13. Ho-oh used Sunny Day, it got really sunny. Vaporeon used Surf, it did 49 damage (because of weather), bringing Ho-oh to 132/181 HP
  14. Okay, then I'll announce Lvl 50 Vaporeon vs lvl 50 Ho-oh
  15. If Cat 5 said that he forgot something really critical.
  16. Hey guys, it's that time again apparently! I'll just go ahead and share the invitation directly so everyone can take a look at it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E9x7nJkSPmv1ZtSKFdSmLsvD4DQoX13i2MA9VG5p4W4/edit Some key highlights: 1) Step one is to accept the invitation. I'm like 99% sure we're all in agreement to go ahead and do that. After that we have until April 26 to pick our representative, but the sooner the better. We also need a backup. 2) These games demand high activity. They're generally large games (this year's setup is 17 players), and each player is required to make 10 posts per phase, for a minimum of 170 posts per day (and likely tons more), so it's not for the faint of heart. 3) The time frame is from late April to June (though longer if our representative does well). From experience, everyone generally submits their preferred hammer time, phase length, schedule availability, etc, into a doc, and then you're all grouped based around sticking to what works for each player, so in that regard the tournament is quite flexible. 4) With that in mind, in addition to discussion here, we can take volunteers that think they can keep up with that strenuous pace. I'd say give this thread a week, then we make a poll with all the volunteers, probably multiple choice, first place is our rep, second place our backup. Generally a democratic selection method is preferred, but if we have few volunteers or there's just a general consensus we can just nominate people directly I suppose. In a less official capacity, I will say we usually try to rotate our nominee. I was last year's representative. However, seeing as I'm the one with the most free time and activity, I'll again place my name in the hat, simply so we have at least one person who's capable of actually participating if no one else wants to. Feel free to discuss down below, or throw your own hat into the ring. Like I said, let's give it a week to see who all wants the job, then we'll have the poll. Representative Candidates OrangeP47
  17. I suppose, but I really don't want to make this a habit.
  18. The thing about that is I'd like to go to bed at a reasonable time tonight.
  19. When I'm done eating I'll investigate ways to speed up the final stages of this game.
  20. CVC Irish (2) for trainers Cat 5 (2) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Retaliation - Irish/trainer, Cat 5/rocket 3. Shade939 - Irish/trainer, Cat 5/rocket 5. Cat 5 - no votes
  21. CVC Irish (1) for trainers Cat 5 (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Retaliation - no votes 3. Shade939 - Irish/trainer, Cat 5/rocket 5. Cat 5 - no votes
  22. Day 15 This investigation has been going on so long, it's getting into fall and winter! The days are getting shorter. From here on out all days are only 24 hours long! CVC No one leads for trainers No one leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Retaliation - no votes 3. Shade939 - no votes 5. Cat 5 - no votes
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