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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Day 14 A brand new day, not quite as happy now that numbers are dwindling, even if we've eliminated one rocket. Single battles from here on out, with no item rewards. Voting for Early Hammer now requires all players to have voted for a trainer or rocket, in addition to needing half of players voting for the option directly. CVC No one leads for trainers No one leads for rocket 0/3 votes for early hammer Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Retaliation - No votes 3. Shade939 - No votes 4. Brigitte - No votes 5. Cat 5 - No votes
  2. Night 13 Killing_You has been eliminated from the game! Let's check who he was.... He was Rocket Admin Ariana, playing for team ROCKET! Standby for post-battle PMs. Furthermore, with the population dwindling, post game item rewards are now disabled in all following battles! Two night posts only from this point forward.
  3. Articuno used blizzard, doing 56 damage to Scizor bringing it to 89/145 HP It does 24 damage to Lapras, bringing Lapras to 181/205 HP Scizor does 76 damage to Articuno with Steel Wing, causing it to faint! Lapras uses surf! It does 64 damage to Snorlax, causing him to faint! The battle is over, standby!
  4. As previously stated, the move has been modified so there is no HP penalty.
  5. Articuno uses reflect, defense increased two levels for this side. Surf does 58 damage to Arcticuno, bringing it to 107/165. Surf does 64 damage to Snorlax, bringing it to 35/235. Scizor uses Steel wing on Articuno, doing 76 damage, and bringing it to 31/165 Snorlax uses Belly Drum, increasing attack by 2 stages (no additional effects).
  6. I was actually posting the autobattle as time was up. If everyone really wants me to, I can reverse it now that Cat 5 is here
  7. Articuno uses reflect, defense increased two levels for this side. Surf does 58 damage to Arcticuno, bringing it to 107/165. Surf does 64 damage to Snorlax, bringing it to 35/235. Scizor uses Steel wing on Snorlax, doing 52 damage, and causing it to faint! (Actually moves before lapras but I did the math backwards doesn't really matter)
  8. Cat 5 has 15 minutes to submit an order or autobattle will commence, without any instructions.
  9. and vs and All pokemon level 50, Snorlax at 99/235 HP Fight!
  10. Hammer time. Battle will be Cat 5 and Irish vs Shade and KY. I'll be back in 30 minutes for the official battle start, but it looks like the actual battle will take place around 9 CDT, so I'll take my time.
  11. CVC Retaliation/Cat 5 (3) and Irish (4) leads for trainers Shade (3) and Killing_You (6) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Retaliation - Irish and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Killing_You/rocket 3. Shade939 - Irish and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Killing_You/rocket 4. Killing_You - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Brigitte - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_You/rocket 6. Cat 5 - Cat 5 and Irish/trainer, Shade and KY/Rocket
  12. Even if your early hammer vote counted, it was after when hammer was to occur
  13. It is too late for early hammer now, and it has already been ruled out, but your votes will be counted. CVC Retaliation (3) and Irish (3) leads for trainers Shade (2) and Killing_You (5) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Retaliation - Irish and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Killing_You/rocket 3. Shade939 - Irish and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Killing_You/rocket 4. Killing_You - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Brigitte - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_You/rocket 6. Cat 5 - No votes
  14. Given what has been discussed, the battle will not be taking place now. As the next 24 hours progress I'll see what I can do to accommodate KY, as it's true that autobattle twice in a row is not a good thing. We do have options though.
  15. My problem with today is this: Cat 5 hasn't even submitted a vote. Therefore he is an unwilling participant. Irish, on the other hand, has voted, and knows what he's getting himself into. I had considered a clause that said early hammer requires all active players to have placed a vote, though I left it out at the last minute. I'm now regretting that choice.
  16. If today is a particularly bad day for everyone's schedules aligning, the battle can take place at a non-traditional time or potentially extend the day.
  17. Availability to battle should not be used to determine who does and does not battle, and as the rules state, there is a penalty for using that as a primary consideration.
  18. It's at the 24 hour mark, yes, but here's the thing. Cat 5's not going to be back until after I've likely gone to bed, and when I wake up no one's going to be here, so it's kind of a moot point.
  19. The early hammer option is meant as a tool to speed up the game when there is agreement. When there is no agreement it should not be used, and I will enforce the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law. With two people not even here to vote it ruins the integrity of the vote as well, so...
  20. If votes are this volatile an hour before possible early hammer, I am seriously considering unilaterally revoking that option for today.
  21. CVC Retaliation/Cat 5 (2) and Irish (3) leads for trainers Shade (2) and Killing_You (4) leads for rocket Early Hammer 2/3 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Retaliation - Irish and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Killing_You/rocket 3. Shade939 - Irish and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Killing_You/rocket 4. Killing_You - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Brigitte - No votes 6. Cat 5 - No votes
  22. CVC Retaliation (4) and Shade (2) leads for trainers Irish (2) and Killing_You (4) leads for rocket Early Hammer 2/3 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_You/rocket 3. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_You/rocket 4. Killing_You - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Brigitte - No votes 6. Cat 5 - No votes
  23. CVC Retaliation (3) and Brigitte/TheIrishMan/Shade (1) leads for trainers Irish/Brigitte (1) and Killing_You (3) leads for rocket Early Hammer 2/3 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_You/rocket 3. Shade939 - No votes 4. Killing_You - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Brigitte - No votes 6. Cat 5 - No votes
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