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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Articuno uses Mud Slap! It does 13 damage and lowers Wartortle's accuracy, HP now at 96. Wartotle Bites Snorlax! It does 13 damage, HP now at 222. Brigitte uses Moo Moo Milk on Pidgey! It does nothing, because Pidgey is already at full health! Snorlax uses Body Slam. It does 111 damage and kills faints Wartortle.
  2. and vs and Fight! (Will begin resolving now)
  3. Battle will be Snorlax lvl 50 and Articuno lvl 50 vs Wartortle level 40 and Pidgy level 10. I'll be back in 30 minutes to officiate.
  4. CVC Shade (6) and Retaliation (3) leads for trainers Killing_You (5) and Brigitte (4) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irish and Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Jeod - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 4. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Brigitte and Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Irish and Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket
  5. Just a reminder again, like last time, for everyone to please make arrangements to battle if you cannot be present, or at least post availability.
  6. CVC Shade (6) and Retaliation (3) leads for trainers Killing_You (5) and Brigitte (4) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irish and Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Jeod - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 4. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Brigitte and Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Irish and Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket
  7. I'll give it a go, though may have trouble thinking of something new after using my best ideas last marvel.
  8. CVC Shade (5) and Retaliation (3) leads for trainers Killing_You (4) and Brigitte (3) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irish and Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Jeod - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 4. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Brigitte and Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  9. CVC Shade (5) and Retaliation (3) leads for trainers Killing_You (3) and Brigitte (2) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irish and Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 2. Jeod - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 4. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade/trainer, Killing_You and Brigitte/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  10. Jeod has been removed from the game. I'm wearing my Mystic shirt today
  11. CVC Shade (3) and Retaliation (3) leads for trainers Killing_You (2) and Irish (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Shade and Retaliation/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 4. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  12. CVC Shade (2) and Retaliation (2) leads for trainers Killing_You (2) and Irish (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Cat 5 and Brigitte/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 4. Shade939 - Shade and Retaliation/trainer 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  13. CVC Cat 5 (1) and Brigitte (1) leads for trainers Killing_You (2) and Irish (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Cat 5 and Brigitte/trainer, Killing_You and Irish/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  14. CVC Irish (1) and Brigitte (1) leads for trainers Killing_You (2) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Irish and Brigitte/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  15. CVC Irish (1) and Brigitte (1) leads for trainers Killing_You (1) and Jeod (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Irish and Brigitte/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - Jeod/rocket 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  16. CVC No one leads for trainers Killing_You (1) and Jeod (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - Jeod/rocket 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  17. CVC No one leads for trainers Killing_You (1) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - no votes 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  18. Day 9 Once again a perfect day! Today is a double battle, and tomorrow is a single battle. Hopefully the investigation has some direction or a plan can be agreed upon. CVC No one leads for trainers No one leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - no votes 2. Jeod - no votes 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - no votes 6. Brigitte - no votes 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  19. I already posted that.... I'll let you slide AGAIN, but I did warn you to be careful....
  20. I did discuss it with Jeod, at least, when designing the upgrades for the calculator program. That's why it defaults to 20% when you check the item tick box, though it's adjustable too.
  21. But no one said no, either, and it's an obviously good change.
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