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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Also reminder that I myself will be somewhat late.... because I'm going to pick up Fried Chicken But yes, this is also an option. I can just resolve it when I get to it.
  2. That's fine, and technically faster than Irish's schedule he always harps about It gives me time to complete this season on Football Manager, and boy is it a good one. I was probably going to be distracted by that anyway
  3. Just a heads up btw, but I probably won't be around for hammer today. However, the normal time still applies. I'll be back fairly shortly after hammer, and I'll check the timestamps of any votes that appear to be close to the line. You can expect a delay of around 30 minutes to an hour.
  4. TBH I always keep my team well rounded so there's rarely a problem I can't deal with. Of the 18 types, there will generally be only 1 or 2 on a given runthrough I don't have something to counter them with (aside from early game and still gathering the team). I generally don't have an actual dark type on my team, but plenty of the more "animal" style pokemon have a dark attack in bite, and sometimes upgraded to crunch. You'll be interested to know that in later gens they started making a few dark-fighting or dark-psychic combo pokemon, where your counter/opposite is right there on the pokemon that'd normally be bad against ghost. In my Ultra Moon playthrough I have a Malamar, for example, which is psychic-dark (and evolves by literally holding your handheld upside down). Though more typically it's like right now on Sacred Gold, my Feraligatr knows crunch and basically solo'd Morty's gym, only needing to go to the poke center before Morty himself because Crunch was out of PP.
  5. I'll start by addressing KY. Ghost types are easy to deal with as long as you have someone with bite or crunch around. It's the same counter as vs psychic, so it's generally a good idea to keep someone with it around anyway.
  6. Since a lot of us have plenty of comments on the subject, and it was filling the other thread.
  7. It only works that way if the user is ghost type. If any other type it just raises both attack and defense stat. As such it's used on Snorlax a lot in competitive. I was thinking maybe of making an off topic pokemon thread, where we can all talk about SG and other things without cluttering up this thread. Good idea?
  8. And also, there is a point where a double battle becomes 100% chance on a given day, so they will happen eventually, even if RNG has been deciding otherwise.
  9. On double battles: They're somewhat more rare to allow for investigations, but I have a formula I follow where each progressing day is more likely to be a double battle than the day before (until such time as a double battle happens). I won't reveal exactly what the formula is, but I will say RNG has been extremely in favor of single battle days so far.
  10. CVC Killing_You leads trainer Route 34 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irishman/trainer 2. Jeod - Killing_You/trainer, Route 34/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 34/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/trainer, Route 34/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Route 34/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Jeod/trainer, Route 34/rocket
  11. CVC Killing_You leads trainer Route 34 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irishman/trainer 2. Jeod - Killing_You/trainer, Route 34/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 34/rocket 5. Killing_You - no votes 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Route 34/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  12. Just beat Morty, who was actually easy. My starter is overleveled as hell though and knows crunch. #offtopic
  13. I mean, call me cynical, but if someone has 24 moves to work with and doesn't have an autohit move, that same person probably isn't going to have an autohit move at 36 moves. Though if you want true challenges, go to showdown battles and choose "random battle". Never know what you're going to get then.
  14. Well to be fair as well, a lot of competitive formats ban accuracy/evasion effecting moves. Granted, I'm generally in favor of less restrictions than more, as I prefer "true to the original" when it comes to games, but generally if there's a way to cheese the system the community has taken care of it. For example, Fly and Dig are banned as are all moves that make you unhittable for one round, I actually disagree with that, but it's pretty much the gold standard for competitive nonetheless.
  15. Eh, there are a lot more moves now that always hit, and generally people try and make use of them. That said, in pure competitive, that probably wouldn't work because of the no dupes clause.
  16. Well technically with Gen 7 you got a 5th move in Z moves. TBH it's only an "okay" feature.
  17. TBH I'd pick scratch over fury swipes. But let me present this from an alternate angle. With only 4 moves, you have to make choices about what you want to cover. That lack of flexibility you see as a downside, I actually see as an upside. If you could cover everything, everyone would pick the same thing, and quickly the game would be boring because the same thing is the only thing ever picked. Without these limitations, some pokemon become useless, because other pokemon can just pick up the slack.
  18. Maybe in the actual story mode, but competitive is different. I'm not that experienced in competitive, but I can say there are definitely lots of builds that rely on the more gimmicky moves there. Try the Showdown Battles website to get a taste of that.
  19. That'd fundamentally change the entire pokemon formula. Four moves is generally plenty, especially when you have 6 pokemon to work with, that's really 24 moves. You only need one move per type per pokemon, so the choice is really what types you want coverage on.
  20. CVC TheIrishMan leads trainer Route 34 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irishman/trainer 2. Jeod - Irishman/trainer, Route 34/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - no votes 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Route 34/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  21. Given the changes, no pokemon are particularly "Rare" in SG, if you're willing to break the budget on pokeballs. I've always had the problem in Johto of being content with a team of 5, given the order of the gyms, but SG really lets you have your pick so the situation might change.
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