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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. BTW guys, if you're not involved in the battle, you can submit your night orders if you want. Remember 3 coins.
  2. I don't find anything that says it wouldn't work, but I advise you to read all the rules in the first post too.
  3. Battle 2 TheIrishMan sent out Wobuffet! (HP: 61) Retaliation sent out Skarmory! (HP: 36) Fight!
  4. Yeah. I know you'll find this funny considering what I said about gen 6-7 exp share, but I tended not to use it in earlier games. This time I actually have been though.
  5. I'll be back in 30 minutes to set up the battle properly, but Irish has Wobuffet and Retaliation has Skarmory. Mull on that for a bit.
  6. CVC Irish leads trainer Retaliation leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irish/trainer 2. Jeod - No votes 3. Retaliation - Sunflower/trainer, Retaliation/rocket 4. Shade939 - Irish/trainer, Retalation/rocket 5. Sunflower - Retaliation/rocket 6. Brigitte - Route 30/rocket 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  7. TBH levels aren't the be all to end all. Type matchups are still very important, as is move power. Take yesterday's investigation for example. It wasn't just that Jeod was 10 and Psyduck was 30.... Pyduck had Hydro Cannon, which is a power 120 move with STAB.
  8. Eh, there might be more alternatives that don't involve levels. If everyone's willing to table the level issue I can investigate other non-level solutions and have something worked up by D3 start, though the caveat there might be that said change would be a secret perhaps.
  9. About 1 hour until hammer. I'd still like to hear from those that didn't express their opinion, but I'll tentatively apply the 1/2 levels transfer rule, but only after hammer, so as to not affect this day. Therefore, I'll just give Jeod his 5 levels during the night phase.
  10. You, Cat 5, Retal, me, Fraydo (if he plays), KY (if he plays). It's by far the most popular zone!
  11. The bonus for rocket is that I'm less strict on them in regards to scheduling/considerations of that sort. I think, given the past few days activity, you'll likely not have much trouble being on at the same time though, if it ends up this way. CVC Irish leads trainer Retaliation leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Irish/trainer 2. Jeod - No votes 3. Retaliation - Sunflower/trainer, Retaliation/rocket 4. Shade939 - Irish/trainer, Retalation/rocket 5. Sunflower - Retaliation/rocket 6. Brigitte - Route 30/rocket 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  12. More inspiration: Just accidentally beat my rival despite being underleveled. To be fair, his Bayleaf was particularly stupid with move choice.
  13. Some power company guy was supposed to stop by last week and install a "smart meter " too, but never showed up. I really hate turning my computer off, but it seems that I'm going to have to sometime soon :P
  14. Also if I vanish for awhile, other than for stated reasons (such as making dinner before I resolve any battles), it's probably because my power went out. Thunderstorms starting and looking to last awhile.
  15. I mean, I've used Hoothoot on my team before in gen 2, but I have newfound respect for it today.
  16. I mean, let's take this ROM I'm playing right now. My team got its ass handed to it by Falkner despite being leveled past him by 5. It's possible.
  17. You underestimate type advantage/resistance/a ton of other things.
  18. Here's my thinking. Say you have two people, who have both invested say 30 levels into one pokemon, so they're level 40. Everyone is convinced one of them is rocket and the other is town. (Doesn't matter if they're right or not). Say they battle and the town-suspect wins, going to level 50 while the rocket-suspect goes to level 10. Everyone could just vote for the same matchup again and the level 10 person would be bowled over. At that point this isn't really a game anymore. This is designed to at least give the person on the out a fighting chance. One person can't just run away with the game. There will always be someone who can compete. It would probably balance pretty well, because conversely say we're down to 1 v 1, and the rocket wins with a lvl 50 vs a level 50. If the remaining town has nothing, the game's pretty much over. I think we'd all rather see actual good battles than one side just forefiting.
  19. TBH I was just going to surprise Shade with a penalty if he whined too much, but I suppose warning him is fair.
  20. CVC Sunflower/Irish tied for trainer Retaliation leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - No votes 3. Retaliation - Sunflower/trainer, Retaliation/rocket 4. Shade939 - Irish/trainer, Retalation/rocket 5. Sunflower - Retaliation/rocket 6. Brigitte - Route 30/rocket 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  21. Believe me, I'm noting everyone's opinions, and will not make a change until more people weigh in, but I'd just like to remind the interested parties that we're very limited in what we can do, due to game elements that are not public knowledge.
  22. You'd only get 10 levels, but training would give another 10 perhaps, yes.
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