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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Shade, did you use orange in the shopkeeper doc trying to impersonate me?
  2. That's fine up until the point people feel cheated and don't want to play anymore, though, which is the end result of the GM slipping too much. I mean, Irish might have been banking on coming back here and influencing us somehow, so I'm not sure if he'll be happy.
  3. Eh, well just don't let it slide too far whippersnapper
  4. I think some of us were still seriously considering them as vote targets at the time. It may not have been optimal, but everyone should have been allowed to be suboptimal. I'm a fan of the GM style that only intrudes when absolutely necessary, IE when there's been a mistake made. If anything is even remotely ambiguous it should be up to the players to figure out.
  5. *Did not have any exciting nights all game*
  6. I had fun. I will say though, while it did help us win, I think some things like telling us for sure when KY and FRAYDO were going to die were a bit over-sharey.
  7. For what it's worth, Irish, I was still seriously considering passing the tape to Cat 5
  8. Think, you could have been the one with red velvet
  9. Oh, so NOW you want to sell to me, after it doesn't really matter anymore?
  10. I'd also like to point out I'd been on Nodlied's case nearly all game and was right for a change
  11. Just means I can write my own story
  12. If I hand Cat 5 the tape it means I technically live
  13. We've successfully avenged psyduck!
  14. You know what's heresy? The pikachu balloon in the parade was followed by Goku of all things....
  15. ##WeddingCake TheIrishman ##Vote Theirishman
  16. How about we blame the person that's actually cursing people for the curse
  17. TBH I'm tempted to vote Nodlied instead. We can probably get Irish tomorrow if the block works and need be. I'm interested to hear what Cat 5 has to say though.
  18. ##extension if you want me to make it official
  19. TBH it might be a good idea to go ahead and extend it to Friday anyway. I think a lot of people are already indisposed and whatnot.
  20. Hammer would be tomorrow without extension, not today....
  21. I don't know, but there's a decent possibility. Also that's a good point, we should re-examine the lack of a N1 NK since ILTS claimed he tanked it.
  22. Doubt it, but we'll have the chance to see.
  23. I'm sure Cat 5 appreciates you volunteering him
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