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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'll give you one coin for it, on the condition this tribble doesn't multiply or anything.
  2. I mean, it would be good practice and very informative. Shade, make a town list, and explain why you think each person is town. It's a perspective we rarely get, and it would be most illuminating.
  3. You always talk about who you think is TP, why don't you talk about who you think is town and scum?
  4. If Irish does flip scum, we might want to examine Cat 5 in detail.
  5. Also, can we not nominate the same person we're lynching? :P I was about to say this almost feels too easy... You'd expect a scum-partner to do some pushback. The nominations are interesting though....
  6. I see I've failed to convey just at what speed I'm wagging my finger at you (I was saying you get a pass, for now, but don't think you're off the hook long-term)
  7. I'd warn you about being on my shit-list, but that seems to be where you are all the time, so it probably doesn't matter
  8. I'm going to keep my vote where it is for wagonomics reasons, but I'm on board with this plan.
  9. I don't necessarily disagree. I just don't want to waste another day with no lynch if Nodlied's telling the truth.
  10. I guess off the top of my head I have two ideas for how to kill Nodlied, but I don't think it's the time to reveal them.
  11. Being deliberately vague is not helping you
  12. Did you just get a blank report or something?
  13. I'm still leaning Irish at present time.
  14. Well personally *I* believe you, though others may not.
  15. ILTS just said he can verify what Cat 5 did or something.
  16. I mean, it would have been a lot better if you just said I visited nobody, like I claim to do, instead of just saying I didn't visit ILTS.
  17. So then you should actually be able to fully clear me then?
  18. So those two people are FRAYDO and myself?
  19. Unless you suspected FRAYDO and myself as a *team* verification would have taken place anyway. Again, given we can do an item and a normal action, it doesn't actually clear us anyway, so it's kind of a useless watch.
  20. Yeah but ILTS is pretty believable and, of the reads available, was one of the most town read. We have to go on *something* if we want to play the game.
  21. Even I'll admit there's been suspiciously little attention given to me. That's why I wonder more about Chopbam. That might have been an attempt to push things off onto me or FRAYDO, but when we were basically like "yeah, so what?" it just kind of faltered.
  22. I mean, I feel like I'd be down for the vote going on him, but that's kind of how I feel all the time and it's not turned out so well in the past.
  23. Well I meant that as an example of killing being item based. Scum could have a kill-item. OR, the watching was an item, and the kill from the same person (Chopbam) was indeed normal. There's a lot of possibilities.
  24. I assume killing can be standard action OR an item. I don't think the rules need to be explicit on that mark to make it the case either. I considered vig as a item, for example.
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