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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It's been a long time since we've had an unthemed CYOR though, and people will probably enjoy that.
  2. In a contract between Drusilla and the Devil, The Devil is the one who needs to be worried.
  3. I think the restriction on talking about the death note might have been a tad overkill.
  4. Oh that reminds me. Remember how you asked me about Drifbloon? About 3 hours before I had the chance to join the mafia, I caught my first one.... and named it Drusilla.... so it was quite the coincidence to be meeting her so soon after that.
  5. For those wondering, this is the PM I got on the matter: You know, I kinda guessed this would've happened. You succeeded in capturing your final patient, but after running some tests, they seem to have a sort of vampirism you've never encountered before. You wonder if it's a mutation that might just help you find the cure. While you were busy analyzing their blood sample, they somehow managed to escape the bindings and get the jump on you. Before the final blow struck, they became hesitant...it seems they're short a partner. You are now left with two choices. Do you want to join Mafia and be rewarded with furthering your goal of finding a cure? or Die without any hope of coming back?
  6. Vamprism. My experimenting was supposed to help my research on that, and when "the special event" happened, it specifically mentioned my new benefactor could help me with that
  7. Yeah, and Irish, where's that cure I was promised!
  8. I'm pretty sure that was the first shot fired and you did it
  9. Verti trying to cast Shade on me for it when he knew damn well it wasn't me is also not appreciated
  10. And it didn't work I didn't look that closely, I was more hung up on you getting the eyes thus being undefended
  11. I think you think you're more clever than you really are. Not impressed.
  12. But it's not like the curse is being put upon you. Back to this semantic argument
  13. After like one post. One post a sample size does not make.
  14. I can regular night kill and block at the same time, so I can block *and* kill ilts, making even a revival a 1 v 1 situation.
  15. I was given basically two options, so it's 50/50. I'll leave everyone in suspense though, to make up for skipping full days worth of toying with the rest of you
  16. The choice I had to make was weather to block ilts (and thus block his self protect) or block cat 5, and block a resurrection. I think.... there might be more going on I don't know about.
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