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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm saying people could visit you and you not know about it. Not saying it happened 100%, but it would be dangerous to assume. You know what they say about people who assume Unless you have some kind of ability that "catches" people who visit you
  2. I take their world for it, but I'm saying the GM did not send me any message saying as such. Given how we've been complaining about GM confirmations the past few games, I suspect they're not really a thing.
  3. No one should be contracting it so they shouldn't know what it says.
  4. I will say, for what it's worth, I never got notifications about being visited.
  5. Didn't we just talk about how it's not 100% you're town, as there has been lynchproof scum before, in YOUR OWN game
  6. Also I'd not be opposed to KY shooting Verti, even if just for the lolz
  7. Oh yeah, if Chop visited Jeod and Jeod had my curse, well, good luck Chop. From the sounds of your claimed ability, though, you'll probably be fine.
  8. I would be very interested to know who your next choice would be.
  9. In the event of stalemate, it's customary to rearm the vigs
  10. I feel like saying 80 to 90 is already pretty generous to how accurate it is
  11. I'm not ruling out the setup being bonkers. I don't blame Irish if that's the case, however. This is CYOR, strange stuff happens. Still 80-90% on Nodlied being scum though
  12. It would, but what it would actually mean is that this setup has two neutrals, and might be balanced even stranger than we imagined. Regardless, assuming I don't die by today's lynch (or someone being trigger happy ) I can prove my role by handing out the gift tonight, and I'll reveal what the curse actually does.
  13. I had nothing to do at all with Jeod's death. I'd fully explain the curse now if not for the fact that scum are currently playing WIFOM with it and I don't want to give up the secret. Though if you made the night kill, it would be a moot point if you die.
  14. Though Irish might not even be around to resolve, actually...
  15. If we're going to shoot Nodlied we should do it now, so there's time for proper discussing/everyone to revote before hammer.
  16. Also: Calling me hostile TP = way for Nodlied to keep attention on me even after he flips scum.
  17. TBH the most reasonable explanation is that we'll find out at the end of the game, and that's what it's refering to, not that he'll revive. But you kind of burred the lede. So you're saying I caused Jeod's death?
  18. He did confirm it. Ironically I missed it the first time too, but then Shade quoted it.
  19. I'll fully explain the passive tomorrow, once scum has had the chance to fall into the trap.
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