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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You already know it. Experiment on 3 unique people. It was me, for the record.
  2. I considered jailing you simply just because I could have jailed anyone, but I jailed KY to keep him safe.
  3. Work under both assumptions and have a case ready no matter what happens. Normally I'd say let's wait for more input, but it seems like we almost have consensus on lynching Nodlied. Therefore, maybe it's best we do it and resolve it. I'll leave it up to KY, though I still suggest we might want to save the unstoppable kill for someone who may have issues killing them other ways.
  4. The more people alive, the longer it takes for mafia to eliminate everyone, so more people = better for town, even if you only serve as NK bait.
  5. Why would you just not propose voting directly for one of them and not losing yourself, though?
  6. But you're strategy of voting for you is if Nodlied flips neutral. I mean, while I won't say Nodlied being scum clears you (and lets not forget about TP possibilities), I would agree that if Nodlied is actually neutral that casts *more* suspicion on you, and thus a vote on you could be one productive path. Is what you said more an admission that you wouldn't fight it if it came to that?
  7. I'm not sure we should use KY's super kill on someone we can probably just normal lynch. We might need the unstoppableness for some other reason at a later date. That's one concern. Concern two is, if you are town, is it really wise to off yourself for an off chance of maybe getting someone else through a vengeful ability. It seems like it would be better to just vote who we suspected in the first place. Not saying I fully buy that you are town, but just within your own proposed plan I'm not sure it needs to be that complex.
  8. Well, since things have died down a bit, I'll make it formal. ##vote Nodlied
  9. I never find a cure, if that's what you mean. There probably is no cure.
  10. I'm always important My 3rd target simply gains a defensive passive.
  11. I don't object to voting Nodlied. I may as well have my vote on him at the moment, though I generally prefer conversation to be wrapping up when I vote.
  12. Currently I have you leaning town, but your current line of questioning is a bit weird
  13. I like how you say this when I start talking about being neutral, yet seemed ready to buddy buddy Nodlied when he claimed it.
  14. Technically speaking I'm my own thing, but I always try to help town as TP or neutral, and have a strong track record of it, unless as TP my objective absolutely precludes it. So, are you town?
  15. Third person who gets jailed gets a helpful prize for helping me with my research.
  16. To jail 3 separate people over the course of the game, which is one reason why I want KY to use his shot. I'll protect him for the good of helping town, but it is kind of putting a crimp in my objective.
  17. 10 players, assuming 2 scum standard, leaves 8. Add in 1 neutral, me, leaves 7. Given these games generally have a TP, that means 6. 6 town. Any smaller and I just don't see it. One neutral makes calculating for MYLO or LYLO hard, two would make it even harder, and I don't think Irish would want to deal with that.
  18. Yes, I'm counter-claiming neutral, because I highly doubt we'd have two neutral players in this game.
  19. Well you're generally unhelpful on theorycrafting so no, you can have a pass if you really want it
  20. I'd appreciate if more people answered my survey. I have reason to suspect Nodlied neutral claim is false.
  21. Quick survey: What do you guys think is the max number of neutral we have in this game?
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