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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Unless maybe... someone that's BP isn't town.... hmmm..... Who all has claimed it again?
  2. Though on that subject, I know a few of you have been curious and I've shared a pic, but does anyone here want to see a pic of the incision?
  3. The anti-roleblock comes with the clearances. Perhaps it was not phrased the best, but I'm high on opiods cause of this surgery I am not at 100%.
  4. When you have a cop role that check things like town or scum, sometimes they are "insane" which means they get the wrong result. They are "sane" if they get the correct result.
  5. The if is operative on the second part. If he tried to kill you. Complex grammar.
  6. That's some interesting formatting you got there.
  7. Jeeze, I try and be on a lot but you all are active when I'm not No, I can do this every night. I simply chose not to do it first night because I thought we might get some value in information from roleblockers, and we'd had some good luck the past few games with roleblockers blocking the NK. I figured it would be best to save my power for later game when we know about some confirmed towns who we'd like to make sure can do their action no matter what than throwing it willy nilly into the void and seeing what happens. I mean, it's kind of situational and hard to confirm, so it dictates I play a little smarter with it too. There's another factor. I also have a passive "security clearance" (being director of SHIELD has its perks) that makes me able to target everyone (sorry Jeod), and my Teamwork ability transfers that as well as the ability to circumvent other passives to whoever I give the anti-role block too. As you can imagine, I really, really, don't want to give this power to a scum, which is why I was also careful with it. However, if I gave it to Mojo last night and he tried to kill iLTS, he would have indeed been unstoppable. The delayed kill is a possibility too, I suppose, but I just woke up and need to think about that some more.
  8. I used my ability on Mojo, which is an anti-roleblocker.
  9. Howard the Duch eh? Well that explains some things. Maybe I just don't know pushy FRAYDO very well... hmmmm....
  10. Eh not really. Maybe if you meant combined with the 25% chance. Still, if we take this at face value, it would seem like FRAYDO could then have some other ability to make up for how weak that is. I mean, that's why when I lied in CYOR III I invented the fake item of the Mesmetron as well, saying I'd alternate actions every other day with them. The one action alone a complete character does not make. It's not the part of FRAYDO that has me most suspicious, though, as I've previously stated.
  11. This is true. "Every other night" is a favorite scum ploy of mine.
  12. For what it's worth, Cat 5 generally isn't on this time of day I'd say so it's questionable if he'll be on before hammer either.
  13. You missed me, or got me confused with chopbam?
  14. I'm putting my vote on FRAYDO now, for the above reasons, *in case* I cannot be around for later deliberations. I will, however, probably be around... probably... ##Vote FRAYDO
  15. I think it's back to normal time today, judging by the time left on the CVCs.
  16. My current top read is FRAYDO. I'm not sure I buy the whole number of blockers argument, but I feel as if he was scum trying to get an easy mislynch on Chop or me D1. I also think FRAYDO's attack on Sunflower could be more trying to throw us off his case. I'm intrigued by Jeod's recent post though.
  17. Can you imagine the scum doc of that's the case? That would be glorious.
  18. Well, now we have a baseline for what Shade is like when he's mafia...
  19. I'm calling foul on that fowl related avatar clue
  20. I'll go so far as to say I did nothing last night. I also direct you to my previous comment, where I affirmed that KY did indeed balance the game. That's about as far as I want to go at the present time.
  21. Did you miss where I said nothing to report, or are you digging for more?
  22. I see you're working on your high blood pressure
  23. The bed tray I use like pins me in place as I get all sore from not moving if I use the laptop too much
  24. It's hard for me to be on a lot because I have to use this laptop from bed.
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