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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'll tell Sunflower again, but I think she didn't like the generic flavor or something.
  2. Yeah, I'd say there's kind of a motive here to have someone who will "represent" our "flavor" on these here forums, and either Jeod or myself can probably do that well. Cat 5 too, but there's the previously mentioned roadblock of having been the backup last time. On a different note, I wouldn't be confident sending someone under the criteria of who's the "best" as we don't really have a best here. We just have people with different strengths and weaknesses. So more reason to go for the flavor.
  3. I'd be up for it, though it's hard to say what I'll be doing/my situation at the time of those games. I could at least be a backup, or a primary as long as we have a backup ready for me in case things don't look too good for me in the coming months.
  4. Honestly, while I was over there I kind of liked the rule. While sometimes inaction is the best action, it kind of doesn't produce good content or a fun game experience. I never had any trouble with the rule either. Granted, I was in a crazy, 40 person game or something. The rule was something like 10 posts per phase though, so simply greeting each person in turn will get you to the desired content count.
  5. I'll play, and hopefully be a little more aware of my surroundings this time.
  6. TBH if I'd been more lucid I might have called you out during that fatal moment when you were asking Shade what he did.
  7. I was trying to make it so there were no people who could observe/confirm visits, blinding town. At the same time I didn't want to take Cat 5 out, in hopes that he could be the mislynch D3.
  8. Also wait a second... iLTS wasn't even a watcher/tracker?! I could have picked someone else to kill.
  9. Also KY, don't be too hard on yourself too. My game was unbalanced in the opposite direction so we're just countering each other and bringing the natural order of things back to neutral. It's just part of the learning experience. The nature of this game means we can do a rerun of it sometime, with completely different characters. That might be fun. Especially as a lot of us have a lot of other ideas to work with.
  10. Yeah, really, town was over sharing compared to traditional meta. I think we just need a game to come along to put the fear of being exposed back into players.
  11. Yeah, if anybody missed it, I still have the pic for anyone that wants to see
  12. Trying to lay low doesn't work when everyone else is so open to sharing what they did
  13. I'm in the camp that Shade should have done something else, but I was too stoned on painkillers at the time to really do anything but laugh.
  14. Should point out, Sunflower is still undefeated. 3 for 3 wins, and surviving each time too!
  15. I could ignore passive roleblocks (you) and was always unstoppable kill. I could have put Irish down for good but we thought we'd have someone track me N1 after your shenanigans so I literally sat there doing nothing. I probably should have just gone ahead and done it.
  16. The game might have been a bit different if we'd gone with plan A, which was me killing Irish N1, and I would have actually successfully killed him.
  17. In retrospect, I was barely in condition to play the game, much less be scum. About the full extent of my restraining Shade was a "lol what are you doing?" as he walked right into Irish's trap. Also, I had a legit scum ability, which disrupted someone's ability to talk during the game, so I couldn't just blend in either unfortunately.
  18. No, unless you want to lynch Sunflower instead of me
  19. We've simply known each other for so long we're "on the same plane"
  20. It's just an action I preform on them, I wouldn't be so sure. Like, they still have to pick their target independently of me, and if we weren't any the wiser to someone's passive, we'd not even know if there was any effect.
  21. It's not an item? Are some people under that impression?
  22. The anti-role block is not permanent. I have to do it actively. I wouldn't say notifications are a sure thing. There are plenty of times actions have no notifications.
  23. Those are all rather non-traditional, didn't someone have more just straight up BP?
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