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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Here in 30 minutes I need to leave for an appointment. I SHOULD be back by hammer, but it's not a sure thing, or how far before hammer. The question is, should I lock in Cat 5 before I go or risk not getting back in time.
  2. It's a really odd setup for that, but I can see how it might work. Makes me wonder why they didn't just make it an AAA and call it a day
  3. Oh, you wanted it for that purpose? I can probably handle it, unless you know like the exact model name of the item and can google it. Getting the battery slot open requires getting out a screwdriver and I don't want to do that again right now.
  4. https://imgur.com/a/OgFFg Next to my dragon sword for comparison. And yes, I know my camera is a potato. It doesn't do well indoors but is decent outside.
  5. The lightsaber arrived. It did not come with batteries Indeed, the battery slot is like nothing I've ever seen, don't even know what type of battery it takes.
  6. You know, we're kinda at the point where there's so few people, interference in the vote is almost a given at the last minute...
  7. We could always do Verti number 1 and do the test on him if we're so unsure. We seem to have great support for Cat 5, but maybe only the test and not the outright vote.
  8. But I already feel bad about abusing KY's trust last game
  9. Him as the primary, yeah. Who's the secondary is still out though.
  10. Yeah, I'm not really considering FRAYDO, Verti, OR KY.
  11. Okay, so here's the clarification. My ability gives third party a free pass too, only mafia actually get lynched still.
  12. I'm just worried about my mail, because there's some other stuff I should be getting (boring paperwork) that's not arrived yet either
  13. Well Chicago is the opposite end of the state from me, but it doesn't take THAT long. It's like a 4 hour drive at most
  14. BTW, what does the tracking on that light saber say now? I would have expected it to arrive given the last update.
  15. No, my vision of that game is obscured by salt because I was locked up early
  16. Honestly I'm inclined to believe KY is neutral and let him help, and I'm not sold on FRAYDO either. I have not asked for clarification, but if you insist I will. My statement is correct regardless of our opinions on TP though
  17. That said... given my ability, we could test Cat 5, and if he actually is town, he comes out no worse for wear.
  18. I'm fairly confident on KY, since he actually admitted it. Unfortunately, all the rest comes down to whether we believe Cat 5 or not. I could have been right all along, or I could have been wrong but then Cat 5 made me sane. Either way, as we say in statistics, the N is too small. There's not enough data to make a judgement based upon my own results alone.
  19. So after getting my coffee. I'm just going to say while I don't like Verti's evasion on being number 1, that's just the way he is. I'm, on the balance, wanting to test other people first.
  20. I mean, if you crash you kinda get what you deserve for texting and driving, but whoever you hit didn't ask for it
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