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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. For what it's worth, I used the booster I actually didn't realize it came from you for like most of the day after I got it. It was less suspicious than Nodlied's food IMO. I was actually thinking he might have been yet another third party or something and I didn't want to eat it.
  2. Yeah, I felt really bad about doing it. I was actually going to mason Cat 5 first and go right for the town jugular, but he was acting a bit odd so I decided to take my chances elsewhere, and you were a good pick. I will say, before Irish claimed the virus, I thought maybe you were the virus spreader. I also was preparing to shift blame onto you for being "the other day roleblocker" like Cat 5 mentioned a few time. Good game and glad you're not too salty about it.
  3. Honestly, we didn't think you'd work with us. You seemed too town aligned and reasonable with them. It did feel bad to target the person who was agreeing with me the most, though. But you had no credibility by then
  4. If you would have stayed undercover you might have had a shot at winning.
  5. I didn't think he would. Plus, you should be happy. We actually believed your monster would kill, and we suspected KY as the most likely target. We didn't want to do a redundant kill.
  6. We could still do that if I blocked KY. It wasn't much of a sacrifice.
  7. I mean though, we had a pretty intense conversation in the scum doc about if we should kill Cat 5 or KY. You all can read it if you want.
  8. The thing is, KY believed in me and Cat 5 didn't.
  9. Also, fun fact. I was going to kill Cat 5, but then he said he was night killproof, so I switched targets. Otherwise we could have been stopped.
  10. Ooo, A KY game? Please don't start it until like April 5th or so so I can play
  11. Roleblocker was actually just something I threw on as a last minute addition because my masonry got nerfed. Originally I wanted it open until I chose a new target, and I could have TWO docs open, as long as one of my targets was "non-humanoid". So I could have had Snakemeat AND someone else.
  12. And no, it's not a roleblocker. Also, if you look at FRAYDO, we actually had FIVE roleblockers!
  13. I'm going to give you suggestions anyway, because I already have what I want to be next
  14. Oh, there was too an alignment cop Jeod. If someone ate Nodlied's Lasagna!
  15. What about my 50% to dodge investigations? Would I just have a 50% chance to return a null result if KY tracked me, for instance?
  16. Sunflower also investigated as town if someone alignment copped her.
  17. All these docs are boring I was in most of them
  18. Oh, GM's have objectives... they're just more esoteric than player objectives. They make us dance for their amusement
  19. I'm going to pretend it was directed at Jeod.
  20. Shade, I know I've said in the past an effective way to play, town or scum, is to throw everything out and see what sticks, but you're really, really reaching. ##vote hammer Since we need 5 hammer votes to make it happen early I feel fine sharing my opinion for once.
  21. Yeah. I thought I made that joke in our doc, but upon reflection I don't think I did
  22. It's the Mesmetron. I am indeed the Lone Wanderer, and the Mesmetron provides a contrast with Diplomacy.
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