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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. To be fair, I was GM that game, and I don't recall what they were getting at.
  2. I bolded the word that is probably in dispute
  3. Important addendum: I'd also like FRAYDO to have a chance to speak on the matter, but don't think he'll show up in time.
  4. I honestly think FRAYDO is the better choice, but I don't want to commit. It's a very weak argument, but it's an actual argument. While Retal's flavor may be a bit suspicious, Shade's making a mountain out of a molehill IMO.
  5. Killing You, do you really want to go through to the RNG round on your self vote?
  6. Also, this just hit me, but this is the shirt I'm wearing today. Quite fitting for Choppy's little shenanigans https://www.thinkgeek.com/product/6e7e/
  7. Ha, Jeod, maybe you better wait until we all settle down a bit, heh.
  8. You're supposed to let Choppy do it. 1/5 would not troll again.
  9. Wouldn't it be something if this is how a cult spread, eh? Though I'll confirm for the moment, I have not been converted to any baked goods based cartel
  10. See Shade, this is how civilized people react
  11. Well I'm not voting him. I AM interested in learning more, though.
  12. I guess since this is CYOR, is that a real action? I guess it makes sense with the chart. For a second I got you confused with Chefboynodlied over there
  13. I actually don't really care for the *flavor* orange.
  14. Keyword being "a", because I could feature three or four
  15. Avatars are just another form of expression. People are making a big deal about that you should doubt them, but this is mafia. You should doubt EVERYTHING.
  16. Let me guess, you're actually the bottle of rum?
  17. FUN. What we gain is fun I mean, half the fun of CYOR is seeing whatever crazy thing everyone else came up with. But if you want to play your cards close to your chest that's fine too. But admit it, by changing our avatars like this, a lot of us almost want to be caught, eh?
  18. I just know the memes. I'm a much bigger fan of the Alien side of things
  19. Well my other question is which specific jungle did the Predator movies take place in again?
  20. Rambo? He went to Burma in one of the movies, right?
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